Chapter 66.

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Colby pov.
I wake up to see Journey up and dressed. I smile and said" what's up." She said" I have a funny feeling and I just called Daddy and ask how every one was he said every one was good and not to worry but I'm still worried." I said" Journey our kids are safe your dad and family won't let no one hurt them." Journey said" I know but still." I kiss my wife and we went to breakfast at TJ's Cafe. We meet up with Sam and Nate and Seth. We are going to investigate the axe murder house.

Journey pov.
We walked in the house and meet Johnny the care taker of the house. He is telling us about story that happens. Then he was in the house. It's a nice little house. I heard a little girl said" Hello." I smile and said" hello there we don't mean any harm you or your family and friends." She said" thank you ma'ma." Then she was gone. As Johnny went to leave his phone died.
Skip time.
As we were coming back from eating. Nate driver Seth in front with him Sam I and Colby in the back seat. Cop pulled us because head light is out. Looks like someone Kick it or some thing broke it. Now we're in the house as we are in the talking about the murder Colby got touch. As Colby was telling about the oldest girl. I couldn't listen to what the killer did he was sick person. I have daughters. After the clip Colby hug me and said" our girls are alright." I nod and said" I love you Cole." He said" I love you too Red." Then they turn the camera on.
Skip time.
We're leaving and at the hotel. Colby said" Journey you okay." I nod as we fell asleep.

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