138 3 10

"Why you pointing at me with that knife?
I've been cutting corners all my life girl
But terror doesn't blossom overnight no"


TW: violence (this is a disclaimer for future chapters as well, most chapters won't have a violence tw unless it's extreme, so this is just another overall warning) <3


"Sorry I'm late! Sorry!" I exclaim while barging into a small office room.

I'm hopping on one foot as I try to shove my foot into my shoe. Once I finally manage to put both of my shoes on I run my hands through my hair, trying to untangle it the best I can.

I had a rough night.

After the whole tooth fairy situation, Harry walked me to my room, we said our goodbyes and then I pretty much passed out the second I closed the door. I kept waking up every 20 minutes from the time I crashed to the time I woke up.

I literally woke up ten minutes ago, wearing the same clothes as last night with mascara running down my face and a pounding headache. I got changed as quick as I could, throwing on the nearest clothes I could find which happened to be black mom jeans and some random band t-shirt.

I managed to get dressed, brush my teeth, clean off last nights makeup, put on some much needed deodorant all within 10 minutes, sure I didn't put shoes on or do my hair but I'm still impressed.

"Hangover?" Niall mumbles while giving me a sympathetic side eye.

"Yes." I answer shortly, straightening out my shirt and jeans.

"Tough luck..." He scoffs. How is he not hungover? I swear he had wayyy more to drink than I did. "You haven't missed much."

I glance through the one way mirror that looks into an interrogation room, there is a metal table with the one and only Jackson handcuffed to it. Harry is also in there, leaning against the wall fiddling with a switchblade.

"Harry's been trying to get him to talk, without physically harming him. I told him to wait until you got here— you know, 'cause you've got some crazy questioning skills... he's becoming impatient, so you arrived just in time."

I'm a bit flustered by how quick I barged in here and it's hard to concentrate on what Niall is saying when my head is throbbing like a bitch - so I pretty much didn't get anything he just said.

"Should I go in? Orrrr." I say awkwardly, maybe Harry just wants to talk to Jackson alone for now.

"Yes yes! Go please, it's painful watching Harry trying not to rip his head off." Niall rambles, quickly shooing me off.

I hurry out of the room and into the interrogation room. Both Harry and Jackson snap their eyes in my direction as I close the door behind me and lock it.

I clear my throat and try to collect my thoughts while attempting to block out my headache and dry mouth. This is where I focus, I ignore my emotions and essentially become a darker version of myself - you know, the one without emotions that hurts people for a living.

I leisurely walk over to the metal table with Jackson chained to it, I scoop up the expanded case file and I'm pleased with the amount of information it has in it.

Its got his full name, age, birthplace and date, occupation and family relations. I'm always looking for a kind of loophole to drill into criminals' minds and get the information I need.

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