Chapter 9

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Author's Note !! (sorry if I always have an author's note😅)

This chapter is like a bonus chapter, I thought about this scene and really thinks it's cute and really wanted to write it so here it is, Enjoy Reading 💕☺

(This will be a whole author's pov again)

P.S.  I proofedread all chapters including authors note and prologue that I published, and I corrected some mistakes like the spelling and grammars and also added a few details to the story but won't affect the story much just a little details (you can read again if you want) and also the use of Kha and khrub/khrab. I was taught that Kha is used for women while Khrub/Khrab is used for men so I corrected it.



Month of December has started today and everyone is really doing their best for the fanmeet as it is already near and today they have a photoshoot for the poster, photocards and postcards for the fanmeet. The photoshoot will last for 3 days as they were divided and also morning and afternoon photoshoot is also divided so that it will not be too crowded and the staff will not have a hard time sorting every artist, for the 3rd day, that's when all artist will have their photoshoot all together.

And now it is the 1st day of photoshoot with the afternoon schedule and luckily Fluke is together with Tay, Off, Gun, Arm, Fiat, Pluem, Jennie and 2 more other artist. Godji is also here as a staff, a producer.

Tay, Arm and OffGun are now going inside the studio as they went here together, they saw that Jennie and the other 2 artist are already getting ready for the photoshoot, they also saw Fiat, Pluem, Fluke and P'Note in one long rectangular table in the corner beside the staff's table where the equipments, papers and other things used for the photoshoot are put, standing like talking with each other.

While walking towards the table, nearing them, Fluke turned around, pouting and had a scowl on his face, before he could pass by them he greeted them with a monotone voice. "Sawadee Khrub P's" and passed them.

They all got confused as Fluke is always cheerful and does not greet them like that. They all followed him and saw him running and called P'Godji "Mae!!!" (Mom in Thailand) while pouting and hugged P'Godji with teary eyes and started talking while still pouting, looks like he's whining about something. P'Godji's face at first were worried and then suddenly turned into smile and then laughed, Fluke pouted more.

At first, OffGun and Tay, Arm also was worried with how Fluke acted but then when they saw P'Godji laughing they realized that Fluke is being a kid again whining about something, and so they continued walking towards Fiat, Pluem and P'Notes table.

P'Godji and Fluke became close with each other that P'Godji also calls Fluke as his 2nd son as Gun is his first son, He adores both of them and spoils them, they call him mom and now the 2 of them always becomes a brat sometimes when Godji is around which makes it hard for their friends.

When they are almost near at the table, they heard P'Note saying to Fiat and Pluem "Your friend is so stubborn, does not even change up until now, please talk to him, I became so stressed, I'll just go outside to get some fresh air and get my make up kit, look out for him, you know him" Fiat and Pluem laughed and then replied "Khrub~" and then P'Note left.

When they arrived at the table, Off ask them what happened.

"Ahh, It's nothing P'Off, Fluke just wants some egg tarts" Fiat said

Four of them looked at the table and saw 6 boxes of egg tarts.

"What's wrong with it? There are a lot of egg tarts here" Off said pointing at the box.

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