Chapter 1

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*Trigger Warning: Contains sexual content, foul language, violence, drug use, and mentions of sexual assault*

Graduating university left me sitting at a crossroads. I had no fucking idea what the hell I wanted to do with the rest of my life. In high school, it seemed so easy. I thought after I went to school I would finally know what I wanted to do with my life but that was a resounding no. So I did what every recent college grad does when facing such a dilemma. I went to the bar.

I sat at my usual table with my brother Will and a few of our friends, nursing my beer as I listen to them discuss the job search. None of them had the same problem I did trying to figure out a career. Hell, Will was already working with Dad at the foundation. I've been seriously considering following them. I always wanted to help people, but I wasn't exactly sure that sitting in an office was going to be my calling.

I found myself drifting off, looking around the bar. It had been our favourite place since I got us our first fakes. What can I say, I'm a troublemaker at heart. It was a bit of a dive, but the beer was cold, the bands were usually decent, and the staff were friendly. Maybe I should get a job here while I'm trying to figure out my life.

A hot couple at the bar caught my attention. The guy was hot but was probably a dick. He had frat bro written all over him, but he was nice to look at. The girl on the other hand, was absolutely a perfect ten. Long dirty blonde hair, a curvy figure, wearing the most beautiful short shorts I've seen in a long time. Now that was definitely a sandwich I wouldn't mind getting in between. I would even put up with frat bro for a chance at her.

Frat bro leaned in close to her, whispering in her ear. That's when I noticed his hand reach up to drop something in her drink. Oh fuck no. I shot up from my seat and crossed the bar as quick as possible. "Oi! Fuck waffle! Yeah, I'm talking to you dick for brains!" I yelled catching everyone's attention. I pointed right at frat bro, "Yeah I saw you dropping shit in her drink!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Frat bro asked.

"Oh, fuck off." I grabbed the girl's drink and held it in his face, "If you didn't drop shit in her drink take a sip. Oh what? Is that a no fuck nugget?"

"Get the fuck out of my face!" Frat bro said knocking the drink from my hands throwing it all over the bar.

"Or what? Come on, you don't scare me. You can't even get a girl in bed without fucking drugging her. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled. I may be a troublemaker, but I also stuck up for people. Also, I hate rapists. Sue me.

"You're just a troublemaking bitch." He said getting right in my face.

"Ooh I'm so scared." I laughed. That of course was when he punched me. If he'd been farther away, I probably could have dodged it. His technique was shitty but still managed to make my nose bleed. "Bad idea fuck waffle." I laughed. I wiped the blood off my face before throwing my own punch. One that was sure to shatter frat bro's nose. He tried fighting back, but I was quick and have been fighting for longer than I can remember. Mamma made sure I could deal with frat bros like him.

I had almost gotten him to the ground when the cops showed up. The bar staff tried to explain what happened, that I was just defending myself and the blonde chick, but the cops didn't listen. So instead of being commended for my good deed, I was being led away in handcuffs. I wish I could say this was the first time, but it definitely wasn't. I had a temper and men do stupid shit. However, it would have been nice if I could stop all the blood coming from my nose. Seriously, why couldn't they at least give me a napkin? Instead, I was stuck trying to keep my head back to stop the flow.

Once I was thrown in a cell, they did give me a few tissues to stop the blood. I also was allowed my one phone call and instead of calling my parents like most people would have, I called my Uncle Andrew. See, he's a lawyer and good at getting me out of these things. Is it bad that I have my lawyer's number memorized? Probably, but at least I'm not stuck with nothing.

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