Chapter 25

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Falling for the wrong person creates a type of heartache which does not go away quickly. It's a dull ache that seems to fester like an infected wound. It causes pain even in moments you don't expect it. You think it's gone and with one sudden movement and it is ripped right open again. It is a cruel and unusual punishment which I would not wish upon my worse enemy, and least of all those I care about.

All day, I had to watch her suffer that pain. The one and only Melody Wilson. I never thought she'd fall victim to thst pain. She seemed invincible. She was the definition of a supernova. In every room she entered; she was the center of attention. How could she not be? All it took was a grin and a wink and she had you eating out of the palm of her hand. Then when she started to sing, I swear I stop breathing. Her talent and presence were like nothing I had experienced before. She was born to be on stage. I couldn't believe that I had managed to earn my way to a spot by her side.

For the entirety of band practice, she wore her heart on her sleeve. I could see the barely concealed tears in her eyes and her anger was palpable. The anger in the room was about the same. All of us were angry at how Lenora had treated Melody. We knew that Melody gave Lenora a way to reconcile their relationship, but none of us wanted Lenora and Melody to get back together. I felt like my own reasons were much more selfish than everyone else's.

Will's arrival at practice effectively acted as the stopping point. Hillary must have texted him because he went straight for his sister. The two shared a hug before going off to talk just the two of them. I sat there on the sidelines staring off after them wishing I could do something to ease her pain.

"I can't believe this shit." Tori said as she sat down, "Fucking Lenora Ashley. Who just doesn't mention they have a boyfriend? Like even if you are famous you should still double-check that your partners know about your other partners. It's common fucking courtesy!"

"There've been rumours that they've been broken up going on for months too," I said. I'd done my research last night on Lenora. Nothing about what Melody told me made sense to me. What kind of label has that much control over its artists? There was something fishy about the entire thing. I don't trust Lenora Ashley, not one fucking bit.

"That settles it. I'm punching the bitch." Tori seethed.

That sounds like something that should happen, but I have to keep a professional head on here. "Please no punching anyone. The last thing we need right now is anyone in jail for assault. Even if they totally deserve it."

Tori was about to comment when Melody and Will came back in. I could tell that she'd been crying and it forced an ache into my chest. I hated to see her hurt like this. I wished I'd seen the signs. I wished I'd told her about Lenora's boyfriend sooner. I wished a million things were different than they were.

"Alright, I need to go punch something so I'm going to head out," Melody said as she picked up her things. Everyone said their goodbyes but Melody stopped in front of me, "Hey Anise, any chance you know of a good place which would have punching bags?"

"I know just the place," I answered. She smiled brightly at me and the two of us left together. We went back to the hotel where I dropped my bags in my room and put on the workout gear I'd brought. I had work to do but that could wait. Mel always told me that the well-being of her artists was her number one priority and I lived by that principle. However, it was more than that principle that was guiding my actions today, my friend was hurting and I wanted to do everything I could to ease that pain.

We got into the car I'd rented and I drove the two of us to the gym. Melody was quiet the entire drive. I didn't blame her, but it did have me worrying my lip. I pulled up in the parking lot of a boxing gym owned by one of Mel's clients. I'd called him before we even came to LA because I knew Melody liked boxing. I had the key so it didn't matter that the gym was closed, I simply sent a text to the owner and he gave me the code for the alarm.

We walked into the empty gym and Melody immediately started looking around. She found the sound system and it took her no time to fill the space with music. She began warming up and I did the same. I didn't know anything about boxing, but I could still have a good workout with the equipment on one side of the gym.

I went over to the free weights and began my workout. I could see Melody in the mirror but I did my best to give her space. I just did my thing but I was not an athlete. After an hour I was done. I moved over to the mats to start my cool down. I started stretching but my attention was drawn to Melody. She was an absolute machine. Her tank top was cast aside and her entire body was glistening with sweat. Her face was hard and focused. She grunted with every jab. Her body twisted to land a kick and never once did she lose her balance. It was quite remarkable.

Eventually, she let out a loud cry as she jabbed forward landing one last punch before she bent over with her hands on her knees. She panted in exertion as she rested there. Her head lifted and her eyes immediately met mine. I could see the pain in her eyes, but I could also see the relief. She came over and sat beside me just collapsing. "I shouldn't take her back, should I?"

I paused, unsure of what I should say. "It's your choice."

"Yeah, but if this was your life what would you do?"

"I'd ask myself if loving her, having her in your life is going to make your life better or worse. What is going to make you happiest in the long run?"

She was silent beside me before letting out a long sigh. "I just... I've always wanted that epic romance, you know? The one where you see each other across a crowded room and it is love at first sight. I grew up surrounded by those kinds of love. My parents, my aunts and uncles, even Hillary and Will's story is pretty epic. A love story that people tell their grandkids. I thought that El-Lenora was my epic love. As much as I try to come off as this independent badass woman, I'm a fucking romantic at heart who wants her fairy tale romance."

I scooted closer and wrapped my arm around her waist ignoring the sweat on our bodies. She leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder, "Being a romantic doesn't make you any less of an independent badass. You deserve your epic romance. Someone who is going to be as invested as you are in them. Someone who takes care of you and loves you and makes you feel as good as you make them. You're one of the best, kindest, and talented people I've ever met in my life and whoever ends up with you is lucky. I don't think Lenora realizes just how lucky she is that she got to be with you."

Melody was silent as she rested on my shoulder. I was worried that I had said something that crossed a line for a moment. "Thank you, Anise. For everything these past few days. I don't know how I'd get through all of this without you."

I squeezed my arm around her and just held her for a moment. Despite the fact that we were discussing her relationship with another woman, I'd still have to count it as one of the highlights in my life because I was with her. I got to see a side of Melody behind the curtain she was so good at putting up. That moment right before she puts on that confident swagger she was so well known for, when all her insecurities and fears were painted on her face showed me the real her. The girl who just want to be loved. It was in those moments when I fell for her. It was hard not to, this was Melody after all, but I would be happy just being her as a friend.

"I'll be here for you, whatever you need Chickadee." 


Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed a little peek into the mind of Anise! I really wasn't planning this chapter but it just felt like it needed to be.

In other news, I have officially finished my degree! I am so excited to see what this next chapter will bring but I'm also ready to be able to dedicate more time for my writing. This weekend I am going away to visit family I haven't seen in a long time so there is a chance I will not get a chance to upload again in 3 days like I usually do.

Thank you for all your support! Sorry I haven't been responding to all your comments but now that I have free time again I hope to get back to responding. Sending you all lots of love.

EJ Cornish

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