Chapter 2

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Vergil pov

What an interesting world I have landed on, and to think my own portal would lead me to such a place.

The most likely possibility must be from the Qliphoth pulsating power and the collapse also affected my portal's destination. But then again, I didn't give my point B much thought so that might also be a factor.

The sky was still dark when I woke up, but already the Tavern is busy preparing for the day. I must commend their commitment to their jobs.

I stood up from the surprisingly comfortable bed, and checked my person on the mirror. My body seemed to have de-aged yet my abilities stayed the same. I checked the drawers and found a book or rather, an encyclopedia.

Vergil: It must've been accidently left behind my the previous tenant of this room. Better than nothing I suppose.

Of course, as a half demon. One doesn't really need light to see in the dark, but for convincing the population. I must at least light up a candle.

I laid my eyes on the lone table at the corner, where a single candle stood on a catching tray and next to it, was a large bag. The size of the bag was slightly smaller than a soccer ball, yet noticing the individual bulges, it must be my payment for that Golden Orb.

Vergil: A wise decision to sleep with the cloak on.

I must hide my identity as long as possible, who knows a Demon might appear and wreck havoc to this world's citizens.

Vergil: It seems that I am starting to understand why you love them so much, Dante.

Indeed, if it wasn't for my... Son, Nero. He truly is a Sparda with how stubborn he was on top of the Qliphoth.

I lit up the tip of my finger with my demonic energy, allowing it to touch the candle tip and flames bursts to life from it. It's orange glow gave enough light to let the outside know I am awake.

Sitting on one of the wooden tables, I flipped open the encyclopedia. To say that it was interesting was a slight understatement. Monster women or Mamono from how the Author depicts them are mostly driven by their lust, yet some has better control over them.

I must say, judging by the name, the Author must have been male. How brave, considering with each specie of Mamono is far more powerful than an average male.

Reading their language wasn't a hassle, neither would be writing thier language. After all, defeating multitudes of Demons and Generals, one must have given me the ability to understand and write foreign languages.

For a what seems to be mere minutes in my perspective, the sun's light alerted me that I must've read for an hour or more.

I closed the encyclopedia and stored it within my own pocket dimension along with the sack of gold.

I wore the cloak once more and went out of my room. For a month, I must keep my identity hidden or better yet, as little known as possible.

Who knows what kind of attention I might pull with my appearance. Although I highly doubt this parlay will last long.

I attached Yamato to my hip, and hid it under my cloak. Keeping it off prying eyes will be a task, though much more simpler.

I blew out the candle and went out of my room. The Tavern in the early morning wasn't crowded yet it seems that many are already out and about.

I went down the flight of stairs and sat on another table. I was given a wooden tablet where a selection of food is carved on the wood.

Ryoko: Goodmorning Sir V, what will your breakfast be?

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