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It was finally concert day and all the boys were nervous especially the boy who was back in his hometown, even if they had done this a thousand times, each time felt like the first. But little did they know there was a surprising waiting for them on the other side.

Sasha went through several lines, aggressive clicking of her mouse and her debit card to get here. She had bought front row tickets to see her favorite group, you guessed it NCT 127. Not only did she buy tickets for tonight's show but also when they came to her city as well.

She didn't tell the boys as she wanted to see how their reactions would be to see her in the crowd if they manage to catch a glimpse of her. They had been texting her non-stop ever since they had met and she had to admit they got quite close to each other.

Her phone vibrated telling her she had received a message, she smiled when she saw it from the maknae saying they were about to go on stage so he was nervous and he wished she was here with them.

She clicked a picture of the stage with her neon green fan lightstick in view and sent it with the words 'You'll do great and I'm always there with you. Fighting Haechaniee'

As soon as the youngest saw the message at first he was confused but then he suddenly jumped and immediately went to his hyungs to show them the message making them feel a little excited now. They couldn't wait to see her again as by the looks of it they thought she was near the stage only.

They started the show and the cheers were heard everywhere, Sasha made sure to cheer for them as loud as she could while waving the lightstick she had. She felt alive and the euphoria she always felt whenever she had a chance to attend their concerts.

The boys had finally come a little forward while performing and now they were catching their breaths and drinking water. They were trying to look around for her without being obvious, Yuta and her managed to make eye contact and passed each other a smile.

Yuta who was next to Doyoung manages to make him turn and see her before they all had to greet the fans which they did and the audience broke out in cheers and applause for them. They introduced themselves one by one and told the fans to enjoy the concert.

The group made their way back to change for the next performance when both the boys who saw the girl told them where she was standing in the crowd.

The rest of the concert went by smoothly and Johnny even made a stop casually to where she was standing, winking he takes her phone and records a video with all the guys in it. He hands it back to her and blows a kiss to the fans that were around her.

Even though some fans got jealous around her but it was normal for idols to take their fans phones and record videos or take photos with it and that kiss seemed to satisfy them.

While she was making her way out to her car she gets a message from all of them saying to join them for dinner, she denies the invitation and thank them but of course they insisted on so she agrees and tell them she'll see them soon.

The boys happy that the girl accepted their invite, quickly change out of their outfits and make their way to their respective cars. They decided to order in and had told her to come to the hotel they were staying in.

The boys reached the hotel first and decided to camp in Jaehyun's room as he was the only one who didn't have a roommate. A few minutes passed by and someone knocked on the door, one of the boys opened the door to see the food had arrived but she wasn't here yet.

Johnny was about to give her a call when there was an another knock on the door. Haechan quickly jumped from his seat and opened it revealing Sasha, he quickly pulled her into a hug and lead her in. She gave them all a wave but they all stood up and gave her hug anyways.

Jungwoo noticed a change in her outfit as now she was wearing a dress instead of the jeans and top combo she was wearing earlier and asked her about it to which she replied,

"Well someone had spilled their soda all over me so I had to change my outfit, luckily I had extra clothes in my car."

They all asked her about how the concert went and what she thought about it. She gave them an honest opinion and also what the other fans said from what she had heard. They all thank her for coming to the concert and she told them that she will also be attending the one that's next week which made them happy. This time they made sure to take note where she was going to be in the audience.

Sasha looked at the time and saw it was getting late and so she tried to tell the boys that she should leave but they all didn't want her to. She tried to convince them but they wouldn't let her go so she sighs but gives in.

Jaehyun felt happy because she would have to stay with him but at the same time some of them were jealous. One by one they all leave to their room wishing each other good night since they had to be up early on orders of their leader.

"Umm are you sure you're okay with me staying here I mean I can go, I don't mind." Sasha said in low voice and she stands up facing him.

She turns to walk away and his hand shoots out grabbing hers and pulling her in, making her stumble and his hands immediately find her waist to catch her in his arms. Their faces were dangerously close, both of their hearts beating like crazy.

Jaehyun's eyes go back and forth from her eyes to her lips and when he saw her bite them nervously, he groaned and pulled her even closer to him.

"Don't bite those lips of yours or else I'll be tempted to kiss them" she heard him say it with growl making her feel something she never had before.

"Then do it.." she says in a whisper and before she knew it he seals his lips onto hers stealing her first ever kiss.

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