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So it begins the first week of comeback preparations, the three Sasha, Johnny and Mark woke up as soon as their alarm went off, Mark was the one who was supposed to be there for practice first and then Johnny.

While she was getting ready she receives a facetime call which she accepts immediately smiling as she saw who it was from. On the screen her boyfriend appeared who was just doing the same thing as her.

"Why are you getting ready so early in the day? Do you have any plans today?"

"Well I'm going for coffee and breakfast with Johnny hyung since he has practice later. I just wanted to catch you before you left." The boy told her as he was now looking for clothes to wear.

"Ah coffee! Well enjoy your breakfast I got to go now but I'll see you soon okay? Bye."

Sasha hurried over to the company as she had to reach before Mark does, on the way to studio she picked up coffee for both her and him. As she was stretching the boy enters and waves at her and she shot him a small smile and nods her head towards the coffee she got him.

Downing his coffee he thanks her before joining her to warm up. At first she demonstrated his parts with the song to give him an idea and then she started to teach him little by little.

Both of them didn't notice time go by until Johnny entered the room grabbing their attention.

"Oh my god how much time passed already? I'm sorry Mark we didn't take any breaks." The girl told him worriedly. He gave her a small smile and said it's okay.

"Take a break and have lunch now both of you, I got you both something." Both of them thank him and sit with him.

Mark bids good bye to the both of them and Johnny sighs as finally he's got some time alone with her.

She does the same thing like what she did earlier and he saw how clean her moves were and how graceful she looked when she danced.

Finally both of them were done and made their way outside together. Johnny offered her a ride back home and at first she declined but then he insisted so she had to agree. She gave him the address and both of them talked more about the comeback.

In no time both of them reach her house and as she got out of the vehicle, she turns around and asks him if he wanted to come in for some coffee or to eat something as she remembered how he had gotten her lunch before. He smiled at the thought of some more alone time with her and nodded. He told her to go ahead he'll be up there in a minute.

Sasha rushed up and opened the door to her apartment to see if she hadn't left it in a mess, thankfully it wasn't much and she quickly made the place look presentable just as the doorbell went off.

Johnny got inside and looked around to see how she had decorated the place, it wasn't a really big apartment but it was a studio big enough for one or two persons living. She quickly came out with two mugs filled with freshly brewed coffee and some snacks she had made. They both settle down across from each other and started talking.

"So I've always wanted to ask how did you get to know about us? Like you said you've known us since the rookie era." Johnny asked.

"Oh! Well I was in Seoul that year with my mom and we were visiting her family here, when both of my aunt's children told me that they had tickets for this show and they wanted me to tag along. At first my mom didn't let me go but since both of my cousins were old enough and with a little persuasion by them she let me go.

On the way they told me what all was going to be there and I got excited, it was my first time seeing a live show here and although at that time I wasn't fully fluent with the language but I still was excited to see you all dance. And from there I became a fan and followed your journey." Sasha told him smiling as she recalled all those memories back.

She remembered how they were all so young and trained so hard especially Jisung who at that time motivated her and then she got to know that Mark was the same age as her and from her own home country.

"My mom at that point even joked that if I wanted to enroll as a student here in one of the art schools I could while I stayed with my aunt but I nearly cried and said no because I didn't want to be away from my parents then." She told him laughing.

He saw how her nose crinkled as she laughed and how she made expressions whenever she talked. He found everything about her cute and how could he not she was literally the size of a doll and she even kind of looked like one.

Johnny had to cut his time with her as he had to head to the gym to work out as he did every day before going back to the dorm. Satisfied with how he got to spend time with her alone he couldn't wait for more days like this to come until he could finally ask her out on a date properly.

But he was the Johnny Suh he wasn't going to wait around much.

But he was the Johnny Suh he wasn't going to wait around much

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