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Preparations for the Japan tour were underway, Jaehyun was back from filming his drama and was ready to head on with this tour. It was also Sasha's first tour project which at first she thought she wouldn't be a part of since her contract didn't really include tours, but the boys had managed to convince the company to let her be a part of it.

The boys were set to leave in a week and most of the preparation was to happen there itself. Everyone was in high spirits and really excited but at the same time also a little worried for each other as even though tour life is great and all but the fatigue can get real.

After 4 songs of practice everyone sat down and caught their breaths and Sasha handed them all a water really quick, when Haechan said he was bored and wanted to do something else to which everyone agreed.

"How about a game random play dance? Us against Noona!" Haechan exclaimed loudly.

"You want to play a game of dance when all you've been doing is dancing? Also is this a test for me?" Sasha asked him but he just shrugged and asked if anyone was interested.

All of them agreed but Taeil and Taeyong convinced the rest of them that the poor girl shouldn't go against all of them so they said then her and Jaehyun should be the ones to be the team leaders to which he pouted but agreed.

They played a game of rock, paper and scissors to decide the order and Sasha ended up winning. She chose Haechan, Mark, Yuta and Doyoung whereas Jaehyun chose Johnny, Taeyong, Jungwoo and Taeil in the exact order.

The rules were simple: at least 3 people of the team have to dance, positioning doesn't matter as long as they're doing the correct moves and all songs have to be by 127 unless they need a tie breaker. Before starting they all were thinking who would really judge their little game and Haechan suggested that the rest of the dream was in the building and they could do it and so he called them over. They were so excited and were definitely Team S.

Both teams were definitely neck to neck so as a tie breaker they all told dream to play any song by them or another artist of their company and the team that starts dancing first wins. For a whole minute the dreamies kept on discussing within themselves what to play until the leader reminded them that they needed to wrap this up quickly and get back on schedule.

In the end they played the classic Chewing Gum making Team S win. The team high-fived each other and started discussing what penalties they should give to Team J when one of the managers came in to get the group for a meeting and everyone got back to work.

Everyone packed their bags and headed to the airport, all of the boys looked great and they got their looks picked out by their friend who had to walk a little far from them so as to not grab attention from the fans and the paparazzi. They all really wanted to walk together but they understood that right now it was important they walked with their bodyguards rather than her.

Sasha was sitting between Haechan and Jaehyun, behind them were Johnny, Mark & Jungwoo and in front were Yuta, Doyoung & Taeil. Taeyong sat with the managers and as always being the leader he took all the brief of the tour in the short flight.

On the way to their hotel, all of them were once again told their schedules for the week, roommate arrangements which by the way the couple didn't get to stay in the same room for which the boy was sad and the girl was okay about.

They didn't have time to notice all this because they were busy with either practice or interviews and what not. Since this tour was their biggest one yet in Japan, the boys were preparing extra hard and were determined to make it a success. Yuta was the happiest as he was back home but he was also nervous as he felt more responsibility on his shoulders ever than before.

The week flew by their eyes and it was time for their first show, to kick off this tour which was almost two months long. Some of the boys were either warming up their bodies or their voices while some were getting ready as they got their makeup done or putting their stage outfits on. They could hear the venue get filled with fans as the sound of cheers reached their ears.

Sasha also was rushing around backstage as she helped with some last minute things and also helping the staff to get all the outfits in order to when the boys came back for a change as the time limit for all that was very less. This was something that wasn't new to her as she had much experience over the past years but the boys didn't know about it well except their managers.

"Gosh this jacket is heavy! How do you all wear and perform in this? But then again I have worn almost two kilos worth of lehengas and performed in those so this is nothing in front of that." Sasha exclaimed as she helped Mark slip on the jacket.

"Wait that outfit when we all met was that heavy? You moved so swiftly and walked like you didn't have any problems and on top of that you were also wearing heels! Wow I'm in awe." Doyoung said.

She wished everyone the best of luck and gave them each a hug, of course Jaehyun snuck in a kiss. She gave him a look to not do it again as still most of the staff wasn't aware of them and that was what was advised to the both of them.

The boys had a strong open to the show everyone could hear how loud the fans were chanting all their names or singing along with them. The boys felt happy to see all of this and it gave them a boost, resulting in one of the many successful concerts.

 The boys felt happy to see all of this and it gave them a boost, resulting in one of the many successful concerts

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