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The boys mouths dropped open in shock as the call connected to the girl they had missing all these months. She looked so much better and definitely felt healthier. She waved at all of them shyly and greeted WinWin who greeted her back enthusiastically.

The team head asked the girl how she was and she told them that she was doing better and her condition had really improved. He told her how the boys didn't believe that she had auditioned and how she could not only dance but sing as well.

"Well I think then the next thing that is about to happen will settle their doubt. It was nice seeing all of you and I can't wait to get back there I'm sure we all had amazing chemistry when we all were working together. Bye! Till then please enjoy this gift from me and WinWin." and with that both WinWin and Sasha logged off from the meeting.

The familiar beat of 'Touch' sounded in the room and both the boy and girl reappeared on the screen and gave a really adorable performance on it until it cut to a really familiar tune, the one started it all.

Sasha and WinWin, the both of them sang the beautiful song 'Highway to Heaven', and danced the exact same choreography they had made them all fond of her.

The first ones out of their chairs as soon as it ended were Dream, Mark and Haechan. They ran off to the room they recognized on the screen, 127 following right after they gained back their senses. But much to their disappointment the duo was nowhere to be seen.

"Why did you guys run? Everything you all saw was shot last week in China. The interior is almost the same there as well."

Sighs of disappointment were heard from all over the room until Jisung heard something from where he was standing. He went around to see what it was and saw his hyung and noona hiding trying to stay quiet. He cheered so loud gathering everyone's attention and got them out of hiding. When he went in for a hug, they accidentally hid the five feet tall girl leaving only the taller male to be visible to the rest of them.

WinWin and Sasha hugged everyone, saving the boy both of them loved dearly as he stood there patiently with silent tears coming out of his eyes. Both of them gave big hugs to him and he literally broke down in the girl's arms apologising to her for how he acted.

"Hey hey hey. Stop crying I'm here now aren't I? and look I'm all better now. It's okay it's not your fault and it's not Johnny's as well." She said the latter looking at the tall boy who too was about to apologize.

Sasha told them everything as they all settled down on the floor. Of course there was a big debate first as to who would sit next to her and in the end Haechan and Jaehyun won making the rest of them pout but their happiness overpowered that.

"I remember waking up and was scared seeing all those unknown faces as the last thing I remembered was me getting ready in the morning for the wedding. But as I recovered and got therapy, I started gaining all my memory back with time but I didn't tell anyone until the day we sat down to discuss my contract. That is when I told them I would like to either not renew it all for an another year or would like to take on the new girl group along with the trainees. I only made this decision because I was not worried about my safety but yours.

Those threats literally took away my peace and whenever they had mentions of causing you all harm, my blood would run cold and I definitely wasn't living properly when I knew that my every move was being watched. 

The day when we got to know the person behind all of this was caught, I literally broke down and thanked God for protecting all of you. Like I said I wasn't even worried about myself, I just wanted you all to be safe that's all, I didn't want to hurt any of you but I had to because I couldn't tell you all of this. I didn't want to be a source of tension for the group and for you all to fight each other on this. It would have broken my heart more to see the group not performing well and me being the reason than me being almost killed. I just felt that it was because of me all this was happening, I was the cause of the problem and I guess they were just trying to get rid of that cause. " 

All of them got a little emotional hearing how she felt and told her that it wasn't her fault. To lighten the mood Sasha also told them that she would only be working with them for this project and would work with the company from time to time. She wanted their friendship and work to remain separate, the boys respected her decision even though they didn't want her to work with anyone else except them.

They all went for a big dinner, the boys were not only happy for their friend returning back to them but also their member who had been there with them since the beginning. They all had missed WinWin a lot as well ever since he had to leave and be in the other unit. Speaking of which the other members also joined them for the dinner making it a big reunion and an introduction to the new members of the team.

NCT really was a family that would only continue to grow with years to come. All of them were pretty excited for this new project and couldn't wait for the preparations to start. The boys had really gained all of their lost energy back and were ready to give the world a big successful comeback.

Jaehyun and Sasha decided that it was for the best that they don't date for a while and take that time to figure out their feelings and heal properly from all the pain they had gone through. Sasha even had a good conversation with Johnny and told him that if he still felt something for her after six months, he had permission to ask her out on a proper date.

Even though she had told both the boys this, she didn't tell them the one thing she had kept secret from all of them. She had given here heart out to Jaehyun the day they had met for the first time. How he had managed to steal her heart away that very day and ever since then she never gave it to anyone but him until now. 


A.N - And there it is! Honestly this is the first time I've been able to write this long of a story and initially I thought of it having a sequel as well but I don't think I will be writing one. That could change maybe later on. 

I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading this story. Hopefully I'm able to come back with another one for you all. 

Until next time, A.

Until next time, A

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