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Sasha was in the gym when her phone rang informing her that she was going to accompany Chenle and Renjun and they were going to pick her in about 2 hours making her stop and jump right in the shower.

At home, she quickly dressed up in some casual yet work appropriate clothes, lightly applied some makeup since she wasn't going to be in the dance room for the day. Tying her hair in high ponytail her phone rang again, this time it being Chenle asking her if she would like them to get something for her since they were going to stop by a café before her place.

Sasha thanked Renjun as he handed her a coffee which she had asked Chenle for when she got inside their car. She asked them what their schedule was for the day, whether anything else apart from the things she already knew were now added to the list.

On reaching she saw that the other car with Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung pulling up right beside theirs. The guys got out and gave her a hug each and walked with her inside where all the crew was waiting for them. All of them got seated on their respective chairs immediately to get their makeup done while Sasha along with the managers briefed them about the concept.

It was a shoot for an international makeup brand and the boys couldn't look any more handsome than they already are once they were all ready. The photographer was a foreigner so again Sasha acted as a communicator between the director, the group and the photographer. Thanks to her the photoshoot was a success and they were told they will also would like to shoot a commercial within the next week as scheduled.

Sasha was ready to bid the boys a goodbye when they asked her to accompany them for a meal to which she happily agreed as she had time before 127 was to be on stage.

They all went to the restaurant in the same manner they came in. Chenle was showing her photos of his nephew to her and she told him that he was cute just like his uncle.

They had food at a really nice place and although she felt a little undressed but she didn't pay any attention to that instead focused on everything the boys were saying. Bidding them goodbye she called a cab to pick her up, she got in and told the driver to drive fast as she now felt that she wouldn't be able to catch them before they went on stage.

That is exactly what happened but she did make it in time to see them perform and since she was going to surprise them anyway so she didn't think of it much. She felt proud of them as she saw them performing the routine they all had been working so hard for plus her work was also now seen in the public eye on much bigger scale.

She clapped for them as soon as they got back into their green room, Heachan didn't miss a beat as he ran to hug her before anyone else could making the her chuckle and open her arms.

Jaehyun let everyone greet her before him as he wanted something more than just a hug, Sasha blushed when he went in for a kiss as it was their first time kissing in front of the other guys.

Whistles and cheers were heard making her face go red even more than it already was and she hid her face in his chest as soon as they pulled away feeling shy to face the others.

Johnny and Mark didn't particularly enjoy the sight before them but they couldn't do anything as they both each meant so much to them. Sure they were trying their best to move on but they thought it might be difficult since they were all together a lot.

"I thought that you won't be able to make it today since Jeno told me that you're going with them today." Mark said as they all settled down and took a breather before changing.

"Well I was with them until now, I didn't want to miss your performance which I almost did but thankfully I made it in time even though I wanted to be here before that." She replied smiling.

She congratulated them on the performance before getting out of the room to let them get changed.

She quickly opened up her twitter to check what were the fans saying about the performance and found a lot of positive comments, sure some were not so pleasant but she liked the fact that some people gave constructive criticism.

A hand tapped her shoulder and she quickly locked her phone, turning she found her boyfriend smiling at her knowingly as he saw what she was doing.

"Babe it's no use hiding from me, you do know that I'm taller than you and can easily see what you're doing." He smirked making her blush and turn away.

He grabbed her hand led her out to the car where Jungwoo was waiting for them. She got in the back as she didn't want to be seen by the fans when they got out of the parking lot. Even though the glasses were tinted the guys still liked to wave to their fans making them happy.

They were heading back to the guys dorms even though she told them that they should get some good rest as they had a week full of live stages ahead of them. Jaehyun shook his head and told her that he wanted her to come along and Jungwoo nodded in agreement making her sigh and smile at the roommates.

They asked if she wanted to have anything to eat as they were ordering and she told them no as she had pretty late lunch which made Jay look at her eyebrows raised but he nodded and did not say anything.

All the 10th floor guys sat around to have their meal and had a chat about how their stage went while Sasha texted with her mom. She and the roomies J&J (JaeWoo) went into their room and she plopped down on his bed immediately pulling her boyfriend down to lay with her and cuddle.

Jaehyun chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closing to him while Jungwoo playfully complained a little about the pda, making Jay threw a pillow at him.

Sasha slowly fell asleep in his arms and he kissed her forehead when he noticed it. After a while he fell asleep as well and Jungwoo clicked a photo of the two smiling to himself. 


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