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Ever since they came back from that tour, Sasha wasn't the same and everyone noticed that not just two boys in particular. One who felt a little guilt thinking he was the reason and the other who was genuinely worried about his girlfriend as she would just brush the topic off whenever he tried to bring it up.

They had to prepare again for a lot of things starting from deciding the theme for their new comeback so that did take their minds off of things since they were in and out a lot of meetings.

The group also didn't hang out a lot together as well, as she was really busy with a new set of trainees until she was needed for the comeback choreography. They really felt she was behaving a little distant and this went on for a whole month.

She even stopped going to the Dream's dorm and hanging out with them, especially the trio, Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin who were the closest to her apart from Mark and Haechan. The 00' line and the elder discussed how she had almost stopped coming around, didn't text that frequently or take their calls.

Since the two in 127 were busy and couldn't go and check up on their friend, they asked the other three to do it and so they went.

Sasha was surprised to open the door to the three boys but she gave them a small smile and let them in, she quickly checked the surroundings before closing the door and turning back to them.

"Hey! What are you three doing here? Is everything okay? And oh! Do you guys need anything? Wait I'll get some water for all of you." She said and got up before any of them could get a word in.

All throughout their visit, the three of them noticed something or the other about the girl. Renjun noticed that how she was always looking a little anxious and jumpy, Jeno noticed that she was looking at her phone from time to time and Jaemin noted that she gave short/clipped answers and changed the topic whenever she just didn't want to answer.

The three of them left her house more worried than they originally were and they immediately made their way to the 127 dorm. They texted Mark to make sure everyone was home and he opened the door for them.

"Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin what are you three doing here? Mark told us you went to Sasha's place. How is she doing? Is she alright? Did she look well?" All these questions were thrown around as soon as the three of them entered and saw all of the group gathered around.

They told them what all they observed and how even though she sounded okay, she didn't look the part. They felt like she had lost a little weight and she definitely looked paler than she was the last they saw her. Jaehyun also confirmed that the latter was true when he had finally gotten to see her properly some days ago, she looked the part and wasn't behaving like her normal self.

Johnny was listening to all of this very quietly and he really wanted to tell them about what had happened but he wanted to apologize to the girl first and make things right before they went more downhill.

The next day, Johnny inquired about the girl's whereabouts and found out that she was currently in one of the practice rooms and might be free since the trainees class had just gotten over.

He heard the music still on but even though it was in an another language he could sense the overall vibe of it. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the girl almost break down into tears when the song ended and rushed by her side immediately.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked her panicked as he saw her crying hard.

"I'm fine its nothing and I'm sorry once again for invading your privacy like that on that day." She managed to get it out in between hiccups.

"No no I am sorry for being an ass to you. You did nothing wrong that day, you were just being a concerned friend. But I have a feeling that this is something about more than this. Are you really doing okay Sasha?" He asked her looking as serious as he could.

"I am fine but yeah it's not about the tour incident. To be honest I don't want to burden you all with this because you all have so much already on your plate, I didn't want to add to that. The real reason is my grandmom is not doing so well and I'm really worried about her even though my parents are there, I want to go visit as well but I can't and my mom told me not to worry but I can't help it." She told him her situation which was technically true but she still was hiding something she never wanted them to find out.

Johnny sighed and told her that she should have told them about this because all of the guys including the ones who visited her yesterday were all really concerned about her. She gave him a small smile and thanked him for being there for her. He invited her out to dinner with the boys and she accepted his invitation as she felt guilty for making them worry.

Everyone was surprised to Sasha as she strolled behind Johnny who told them that she had something to share with all of them and nodded towards her. She told them everything she had told him and the boys again comforted her saying that she shouldn't have troubled herself alone with all of this.

Jaehyun took her back to her apartment but she wasn't behaving the way she was at dinner and confronted her about it which resulted in a big fight and with the words,

"You know what Jay I think we should break-up." 

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