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Renjun approached Jisung as he lit the candles on the cake while the rest of the dream stood beside the two of them. All of them on the count of three opened the doors to practice room where Chenle was practicing with Sasha who was going to keep him distracted while the boys brought the cake.

All of them sang 'Happy Birthday' making Chenle blush and chuckle as Jisung stopped in front of him for him to blow the candle. He cut the cake and fed his member feeding them as well while Sasha was filming all of it on the camera she took from the staff. She saw the birthday boy coming towards her so she turned the camera off and let her feed some and her doing the same and wishing him once again.

The birthday boy told everyone to dress up as he wanted to take everyone out to treat them to a nice meal at a fancy place, as expected of Mr. president Zhong. Jaemin and Jeno dropped Sasha back at her place and told her that they will pick her up as well but she shook her head and told them that she would meet them there.

Sasha blow dried her hair, curling it while deciding how to her makeup. She had decided on a dress after standing in front of her closet for a good 30 minutes., it was a pink satin dress which complimented her frame and she was going to pair it with white heels.

While doing her makeup, her phone chimed indicating she had received a message which apparently was from Mark who told her that he will pick her up in another 20 minutes, to which she responded back with that she could come on her own but Mark refused and told her she shouldn't be going alone in cab.

Sighing she hurried to finish her makeup and slip into her dress and heels. She searched for a bag and found a white clutch matching to the heels. Taking one last look in the mirror, she decided to click some pictures of herself feeling proud of the way she looked. Satisfied with some of them, she sent it Jaehyun who immediately video called her.

"Where are you going all dressed up right now? Is it for Chenle's birthday? Damn you look good. I think I need to come and have a good look for myself or maybe just keep you and not let you go only" Sasha threw him a playful glare at him and told him that she will come by tomorrow so he should just rest for now.

Just as she ended the call with him, Mark texted that he was waiting downstairs for her. The driver opened the door for her to get in the car and she thanked him, once in the car she greeted Mark and saw he was wearing really nice formal clothing yet it had a casual touch to it.

Mark on the other hand, tried not to show much reaction as he took in her appearance. To him she was looking stunning and he made sure to give her the compliment making her blush and thank him. Mark really thought his friend really got lucky with the girl sitting beside him as they both talked during the ride.

It felt too short for him as the driver told them that they were here. The driver opened the door for Mark first, and the boy whispered that he will get the girl's door so he didn't have to. Sasha thanked Mark as he opened her door and offered her his hand to be able to get out of the car. Both of them walked inside to find the rest of the group inside already seated.

It was a very private area and Sasha was thankful for it as she didn't want any paparazzi to catch her with the boys to spread any false rumors.

Everyone again showered the girl with compliments for which she thanked all of them and made her way to sit beside Haechan and Mark as that was the only place left. Chenle thanked everyone for joining him to celebrate his birthday and everyone broke into cheers and applauses as he made a wish and cut the cake.

After they were all done with their meals everyone handed their gifts to the birthday boy one by one, who was very happy to receive them. He had gotten really nice gifts from his members and also one from Sasha.

On the way back, both Haechan and Mark dropped her home and she told them that she'll be coming by their dorm tomorrow.

"Yay! Oh also can you cook for us again tomorrow? I kinda miss your cooking." Heachan said looking at her with hopeful eyes making Sasha chuckle and nod.

She waved them goodbye and headed up to her apartment where a surprise was waiting for her. A squeal left her lips as soon as she opened the door to find her boyfriend standing with his arms open as he had heard her putting in the pin for the lock.

She ran into them and he hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head first and then pulling her back to capture her lips with his. Sasha wrapped her hands around his neck removing them from his waist while his just got tighter at the same spot.

Breathing heavily she asked him that what was he doing here alone in her place when she was going to come by the next day.

"I just couldn't stop thinking about you in that dress, I was out on a walk and before I knew it I was here and punching in the pin to open the house. You look so fine that I was jealous of the boys seeing you and going out with you like this." He said making a noise that almost sounded like a growl.

Feeling hot because of that, Sasha once again claimed his lips with hers and this time jumping in his arms which he caught her easily, they made their way to her bedroom where he sat down with her straddling his lap.

Her dress rode up her thighs giving him view of her smooth legs and he ran his hands over them while his mouth switched over from her lips, down to her jawline and her neck. She moaned as his hand reached the curve of her hips giving it a little squeeze as he left kisses down her neck.

He sucked and left his mark, something he loved to do as his girl pulled his hair and grinded on him without even noticing that she was doing it. He knew she wasn't ready to take the next step and he was willing to wait as long as she wanted to.

 He knew she wasn't ready to take the next step and he was willing to wait as long as she wanted to

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