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Awards and year end stages season was on. The group was in the practice room more than they ever were. Sasha was busy day and night making sure each and every performance was great. She arrived before the members and left way later than them.

Some days Jaehyun would drag her out of the room and take her home, feed her properly and making sure she slept properly which she hadn't been doing all month long and it made him worry about her health.

After two award ceremonies and a year-end music show, today was Christmas which really was another day of work for everyone and another music festival to attend and perform at. The day's theme was really cute and the boys were looking so handsome as they walked the red carpet.

Giving all interviews and greeting the fans the boys made their way back to their green room, the boys had time before they changed into the other outfit and be on the stage. Everyone was discussing their new year plans after the last music festival and how they had time until their next round of awards season began.

Sasha was shooting all the behind the scene action which would be later edited and uploaded to their youtube channel, she smiled as she went around and captured everyone, recording their memories.

Jaehyun also told the rest of the dream about the both of them dating about which didn't know  yet and were a little shocked but they congratulated the both of them and were really happy for their member and their new friend.

Even though Sasha made sure he didn't make any moves on her around them, Jaehyun managed to sneak in a few kisses here and there which led them to be seen by the members who still had no idea about them.

Chenle had even teased the elder saying that he was going to ask her out on a date making him roll his eyes at the younger.

Another successful performance under the belt, Jaehyun whisked Sasha straight home before she could go anywhere else because he really did think she would just go straight back to the dance room.

On the way back she dozed off, clicking a picture of her adorable self, Jaehyun turned back around with a smile on his face.

"You really do like her, don't you?" his manager asked him as he drove the both of them to her apartment.

"I do hyung. I really do. I think I maybe just maybe falling for her and I know that's big for me to say now but I just feel that's right you know?" Jay responded looking the girl sleeping behind.

"Jay see we are not opposed to you dating but I just want you to be careful. One wrong move and everyone gets affected, not just you both. Don't worry though we'll go through everything if need be."

"Yes hyung, we both are aware. Anyways, you will get everything tomorrow right like we discussed right?" and he received a nod as reply.

Everyone sat on the floor catching their breaths reviewing their routine when the head choreographer told them that they were done for the day. Nodding and packing away their stuff everyone left one by one.

Jaehyun told Sasha to get ready as she opened her door and turned around and left before she could say anything else. Shrugging her shoulders she headed straight to the closet throwing clothes out trying to find something perfect to wear.

Finally she decided on a red one shoulder dress with some stockings as it was practically freezing weather and she had no clue about what he was up to.

On the other hand, Jay took the elevator up to the rooftop of her building where his manager was waiting for him ready with the set-up he had asked for. Manager hyung handed him his change of clothes and he quickly went back down to the apartment.

Seeing the door closed to her room, he quickly stripped out of his practice clothes and pulled on the black pants and shirt. Just as he was putting on his shoes the door opened and out came Sasha looking beautiful as ever and he made sure she knew that making her blush at the compliment.

He told her to close her eyes to which at first she refused to but then he covered them with his hands making her chuckle and remove them as he would mess her makeup.

He told her to open her eyes when they reached up to the rooftop. Once she did a gasp left her lips as she took in the view, it was decorated with fairy lights with a table set up for two in the middle with candle lighting.

"Merry Christmas baby, I hope you like it but there's a present for you too but we'll get to that later. For now let's eat." Jaehyun said back hugging her.

The girl felt her heart swell at the gesture made by him that she turned around and gave him a kiss thanking him.

The dinner was all smiles and laughter and surprisingly it got a little emotional at the end.

The two of them exchanged the gifts they had both got each other, Jaehyun had got her a really pretty bracelet which had the words 'Yunho's Sasha' inscribed on the inside of it. Tearing up a little, she handed him his present which was a watch and underneath it she had gotten the words 'Sasha's heart belongs to Yunho' engraved.

(A.N - Don't mind me, I like things like this so I'm also giving you the cheesy moments)

Pulling her into his arms, he swept her of the ground twirling her in the air as she bust out in giggles wrapping her hands around his neck. He sealed his lips onto hers in a passionate kiss taking her breath away.

"I love you so much Sasha." He said breathlessly.

"I love you too Yunho."


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