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Sasha had returned back home to Toronto and as much as the group wished to make her stay and get her memories back, they had no choice but to let her go.

When all of them learnt about the girl's memories being erased of them it pained them a whole lot differently than when they had heard about the accident itself. She had forgotten all about from the time they had met and the last memory she had was her getting ready to attend a wedding.

As much as they were pained by this news a part of them also felt relief for her as she would not remember all those painful moments that had kept her away from them.

Both the groups had also gone on a break while their friend recovered and also worked her last days in the company. They kept tabs on her from afar and if they bumped into her by chance she would just politely bow at them and move on.

Since Sasha had only two more months left according to her contract, they let her recover for a month and also shifted her to a new accommodation whose address wasn't given to the boys. Even though the younger ones were really eager to but again seeing her protection they weren't allowed to go and had to settle with seeing her at the agency.

She helped and trained the girls she was working with pre accident, even those girls had taken a liking for the older and really wanted her to stay for their debut but unfortunately her mind was made up and nobody could change it.

Today a meeting of both the groups had been called in as they could no longer put off their work and had to get back on track. The team shook their head as they saw how much the state of the boys had changed as well over the course of these months.

So the first meeting went on with the stylists. Makeup artists and hairdressers for how the boys had to be brought back to their uplifted and charming selves. Each and every one was then hauled to a chair where they went hours of grooming and the results were such that the boys couldn't believe their eyes that how much they had changed.

Next day, another meeting was called in. this time it was with all the managers, the creative team and the project manager. When the head of the team who had called in this meeting, noticed their moods and said,

"You all miss her don't you? Honestly we all do. I still can't forget the day when she first walked through the hall of this building. It was so hard for us to get her to audition when we saw her at your rookies show." Immediately all heads turned to him bewildered by the fact just stated before them.

A stuttering Taeyong asked him to elaborate more on the fact and the manager showed them the clip of her audition, where she looked almost the same just a little more younger. He also proceeded to tell them that she remembered this fact and they had chat about all this when she came in last year.

"Before I show you something else, we have something for Jaehyun. If everything were alright, you both would have had been together for a year I think? Well before and during the tour, Sasha had prepared a surprise for you. It is ready and we have permission to show it to you all."

The video began with them discussing about it and the boys got excited to see her looking so happy and cheerful, then it cut to a setting like a music video. She had actually done the same thing as Jaehyun had with his 'I like me better cover' and it was beautifully shot in Japan about which the boys had no idea when they had done this. But what stunned them was that she had recorded the song herself and had really nice voice when the video cut to her being in the recording studio as they showed the rest of behind the scenes.
(A.N - the song will be at the end of this part.)

Jaehyun had tears pouring out from his eyes and he really missed her in that moment. He looked around to find the others in the same condition as him. Before he could ask on the fact of having permission and also more about the video.

The manager showed them another video that she had made herself and left for them. Every time they all gathered or just in general every day, she had captured all those moments of them and you could hear everyone asking for a copy for themselves.

"You all didn't know? Well now you do. I've been keeping tabs on her since then and honestly we were all very impressed by what all she had done till now. After she rejected the idol life she went on and became a background dancer for a Indian solo artist and toured with them while managing her studies and made her way as the head choreographer until she left to teach by herself and what she was doing at the time you all met her."

This answered most of the questions that had been going around in their minds and the meeting had brought them the closure they didn't know they needed, it had been so cathartic for them as they saw her lively and happy and wished she was still doing the same right now.

"Coming back to the agenda of this meeting now. Since you all took a long break we decided that instead of having just one group comeback, we will be having the project NCT 2.0. The member lineup is simple 127, Dream, WayV and there will be new debuts as well. Right now we have one of them joining us here in this meeting."

The boys shifted their focus back to the screen when the team head gestured them to and got a surprise visit from the member they had longed to see the most, WinWin. Cheers broke out as the boy said out loud a big 'Surprise!'

"Hello Hello! I am WinWin from WayV joining right now from the headquarters here in China and I would like to tell you that I am not the only surprise element and special guest of the day. Someone very special to all us will join in as well. I have the pleasure to introduce you all to our very own beloved choreographer, Sasha." 


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Track- Left to love By RIKA ft. Mickey Singh

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