Into The Woods

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Song For The Chapter: Nelly Furtado- Maneater

Its weird. Its so weird. He's helping me, he's being nice to me. He's in my house! Sitting on my couch, sleeping with me in my bed, playing with Luna and Velvet.

I'm seeing him almost the entire day. He's acting different, looks different. I still find it hard to be natural around him.

"Are you going to do this today?" Jace asked, walking me back from the store. I bought packs of rose seeds, rose bushes, and pots.

"I think so. I want them back."

Snow sprinkled down softly, bringing a smile to my face. Its been snowing all winter but I still love it so much and I still get excited to see it.

"You think they'll survive in this weather?"

"Mine did." I pouted. "It did once it can happen again right?"

"Mmm." He hummed, "Of course, Babygirl."

"Stop calling me Babygirl." I huffed. "I'm Kitten." I question what it was that I read the other night. He's lying? There were never any other girls? I looked for the note the next day but never found it. Looked through my entire room and never found it. I think it was just a figment of my imagination. Something my head imagined to make me feel better....

"Actually, you are not Babygirl or Kitten, you are Serenity."

"hm?" I looked up at him, eyes wide. "No Kitten?"

"No Kitten." He smirked down at me. "What kind of friends call each other pet names? I can't have people thinking we're together." This is also where he confuses me. That's all he wanted all while ago, to have people know I'm his. He marked me up and down, all the time.

"You're giving me whiplash." I sighed, looking forward, walking into my driveway. 

"You have to-" Jace tilted his head toward me, looking beyond me to the woods.

"What's wrong?" I mumbled, slowing down as he stopped completely. I followed his heads direction, trying to see past the few feet in front of me and into the depths of the woods.

"I'll see you back at the house. I have to go do something." He put the bags down and walked around me, walking into the trees across with such a bizarre confidence.

"What are you doing?" I rose my voice.

"Go home!" He sighed.

I looked around. It's still day out, I trust Jace.... enough, and I doubt he's going to go do something stupid. I got off my bike, setting it down under a lantern.

I ran after him, smiling wide at our adventure.

"What are we going to go do?"

"I told you to go home." He stopped, facing me completely.

"I'm making sure you don't get hurt." I smiled so annoyingly sweet.

"Go home. " He muttered, gripping my upper arm, pulling me back toward my house.

"No!" I spun out of his grip, skipping ahead in the direction he was going toward.

"I'm not saving you from every little bug that you cross paths with." I sucked my teeth, suddenly debating the entire idea.

"It's winter.... There shouldn't be many out..."

Jace walked by myside, letting me tag along. I noticed him lean in toward me.

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