Harbinger Of Revelation

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You were still completely unaware of who had you or where they were taking you. In the end you decided that the best thing would be to come out swinging. Your logic? Better to apologize for hitting a friend, than to walk right into the arms of the person that wants to enslave you. You weren't sure if you would be able to put up much of a fight though as you became lightheaded.

"Oxygen must be running thin," you thought to yourself. You noticed that your movement slowed, and your body began to rotate as your captor dragged you to shallow water. Your feet began to drag against the small pebbles that made up the riverbank. You felt the armor scraping across the bank, water dripping from your limbs as you were gently laid down. You heard footsteps that sounded as though they were moving away from you. And then two sets of hurried footsteps that were approaching you. As the footsteps approached, you felt the armor buckle and groan as something, or someone tried to pry its way into the armor. You could feel sections of the armor slowly being torn off. It wouldn't be long before there wasn't anything left on the frontside. All of your body was exposed with the exception of your face. You remained perfectly still, hoping they'd assume you were unconscious. The eye ports became pitch black as an unseen force gripped the helmet. It took some time, but eventually the faceplate was torn off. As soon as the armor was gone, the sun beamed down into your eyes. Two shadowy figures hung above you. Not able to make out who or what they were, you swung your fist at the closest one to you. You heard a distinct male grunt followed by two shuffled steps. You stood up in what remained of the armor as your eyes adjusted to the sunlight before you tackled the other figure that stood near you. As soon as they hit the ground you got up and started running as fast as you could. You didn't make it very far before a large hand grabbed your right arm. You yanked and tugged as you tried to get loose, but found that you were stuck tight.

"I know I can look scary sometimes," A familiar voice admitted, "But I honestly think that's a little uncalled for." You paused as you turned to find a large silhouette standing over you. Your vision slowly adjusted to the sunlight as you blinked the spots and haze out of your eyes, "Plus," The voice continued, "I think I look pretty good for someone that just crawled out of a river with a hunk of scrap metal."

Your vision finally cleared so that you could make out a shark in a police uniform. At first you didn't make a connection at all. But your mind flashed back to your first night in this world. Your life very nearly ended that night, but ironically you were saved by what some would consider a cold blooded killer where you came from.

"Mako?" You asked as you relaxed your arm. You noted that she was wearing a tactical vest over a wetsuit. She also wore a utility built with several watertight pouches on it.

The shark nodded with a grin, "This is the second time I've had to save you from drowning. Ordinarily I'm an advocate of swimming, but I'm starting to think that it might be best to keep you out of the water." You gave the sea predator a hug, which she happily returned.

"For the record, I wouldn't have drowned, I would have suffocated," You stated.

"Is that supposed to make it better?" Mako asked incredulously.

"No," You retorted as you stepped back from the embrace, "But I just want it on record that my swimming ability had nothing to do with either instance."

Mako chuckled, "Noted."

You then glanced behind her to find two snow leopards dressed in black and wearing black masks along with utility vests. One of the two was rubbing his jaw. You figured that was probably who you punched when you came out of your suit.

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