All Paths Begin To Converge

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The next morning, as Malcolm went to enter his office he paused, finding blood smeared on the handle of the door. The fox frowned as he made a phone calls to Celica, Tanya and Luna. He waited a few minutes before entering the office to buy them a little time. As Malcolm opened the door he was stunned to find his sister standing behind his desk.

She stared at him with a vacant expression, "Hello Malcolm, we need to talk."

Malcolm looked her up and down finding her to be in a state worse for wear. Her fur was disheveled, her glasses missing, hur suit had splotches of blood on it in some places, while it was ripped and torn in other places.

"What on earth happened to you?" He asked.

Silvia narrowed her eyes at her brother, "I had a bad day the office," She replied with sarcasm dripping from her words. Malcolm raised a brow and crossed his arms as he waited for the actual answer expectantly. "What does it look like? I was attacked."

"I gathered that much," Malcolm replied, "What I haven't figured out is who attacked you and why you came here."

Silvia sighed tiredly, "If you must know, I was attacked by my private security force."

"You mean your private mercenary team," Malcom retorted.

Silvia rolled her eyes, "Call them whatever you like," She remarked with a flippant wave of her hand.

"Alright," Malcolm said as he stepped closer, "Why would they attack you? You pay them don't you? So why bite the hand that feeds them?"

"The same reason a mercenary does anything," Silvia replied, "Money."

"I can't imagine that what you were paying them was a small amount," Malcolm said, "So who in the world would have the money, or courage... to buy out your private army."

"The board," Silvia stated simply. Malcolm's eyes widened as he stood up a little straighter, "I have your attention now don't I," The vixen smirked.

"Silvia, why would the board come after you?"

"Let's just say they're not impressed with my failure to deliver results," Silvia answered as she moved around the desk to lean up against it.

Malcolm looked down at her paws, "You need to go to a hospital, you shouldn't even be able to stand with that much blood loss."

Silvia smirked, "Not all of this is my blood. And before you give me some righteous speech, know that nobody died... That would have been letting them off too easy." Malcolm wrinkled his snout in disgust. Silvia flashed an amused grin, "What's the matter? Can't stomach the idea of getting your hands dirty?"

Malcolm scowled at his older sister, "I can't stand the idea that someone as ruthless as you shares blood with me."

Silvia's grin disappeared after a moment before shot a glare at her brother, "Well put that aside and get over it. The board is coming for Kiba."

"What?" Was all Malcolm could get out after hearing that statement.

"You heard me. They're coming for Kiba, the artifacts, the suits... all of it. And they'll burn your city to the ground to do it."

Just then Luna and Tanya burst through the door with Celica. After seeing Silvia, the two canines bared their fangs and bristled their fur. Before they could attack though, Malcolm held out an arm, "Wait," he said as he looked at Silvia skeptically, "Why would you tell me this?" He asked.

"Because I'm greedy and a sore loser," Silvia replied plainly.

"Your full of rainbows and sunshin aren't ya?" Tanya said.

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