○ 11

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Main Bitch ❤️🥸

I'm so excited for tonight 🤩

I was thinking of getting butter popcorn!
But I saw on their website they were
doing a deal with like ice cream too!!
So we definitely gotta get that 🤤

You know Ma
This is quite rude that you're ignoring me
I can see you looking at the messages 😑

. . .

A customer came in
I'm just finishing up now, I'll come pick
you up on my way

I think that's a good idea
We both know how shit my driving is...

Mari locked her phone and pushed it into the back pocket of her jeans. Her fingers coming up to pull her hair into a messy ponytail- pulling out a few strands to frame her face.

She wiped down the bench once more to pass the time, making sure everything was clean for customer satisfaction.

The ring of the bell made Mari look up, a smile falling on her lips as her co-worker fell into view.
"Hey," she called out.

"Hey Mari, much planned for tonight?" Her co-worker Byungho asked as he pulled the work vest over his clothes.

"I'm going to go see a movie with my best friend."

"Oh have fun! Do you know which movie?"

"Some action one- uhhhh, Mortal Kombat I think," She said as she grabbed her water bottle and made her way to the back.

"Oh I've heard good things about that! I hope you aren't too sensitive to gore though, it's meant to be quite gruesome."

"Thanks for the warning Byungho, but I think I should be okay," she gave him a smile before waving and saying goodbye.

Pushing open the front door she was met with a cool breeze making her pull her hoodie closer to her body as the chilled air flowed around her.

She began making her way to her car when her phone vibrated in her back pocket- the light of her screen blinding her a little before it automatically adjusted to the night time surroundings.

Failed Pull Outs

Pretty Princess
I got 36 for question 8

I got 64

Nana 👵
I got a square...

Jaemin how tf?????

Main Bitch ❤️🥸
Okay so Mari and I are gonna go watch
a movie
Who wants to come?

What movie?

Main Bitch ❤️🥸
Mortal Kombat

Omg I wanted to watch that!!

Pretty Princess
Dude same!!!
I'm so in

Nana 👵
I'll come!

Considering you got "square"
as an answer I think you should stay home Jae

Nana 👵
That's fair... maybe another time Daeun

Wait I never said these weirdos could come 🤢

Who you calling weird 😠

Pretty Princess
Ouch 🥲

I'm jokingggggg
Of course you can come
Jen, you coming?

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