chapter 1

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an: draken is literally my husband oh my gosh. ion even know what to write but chile anyway. hope u enjoy this mess!!!!! btw im keeping the MC's descriptions vague so u can imagine what u want them to look like.

I spat at the boy's face, feeling a sense of satisfaction. he was writhing and gasping for air on the ground, his face bruised and bloody. red splatters stained the collar of his school uniform and the concrete under his head.

I raised my leg to step on his face, but a hand held me back. "please, Violet, you can stop."

I muttered curses at the pathetic loser on the ground before turning to my younger brother. his dark eyes were wide and his expression was grim. he had a singular bruise on his cheek that was turning purple. I sighed, taking one last look at the boy I beat up, and backed off. I raised my hands in surrender and caught a glimpse of my bloody knuckles. "fine. but the next time you can't defend yourself and I have to save you, I'm going all out."

"please don't. I'll handle it next time, I promise," Blue replied, shaking his head.

"man, what am I going to do with you?" I chuckled and reached out to ruffle his unruly black hair. he scowled, but didn't push my hand away. "you have a cool name. it's unique, nothing to be ashamed of."

"yeah, I know. thanks. but can we go home already? just looking at him makes me want to puke."

I smiled at him and put my arm around his skinny shoulders, leading him away from the scene. "of course! let's go baby bro."


"aw man, I chipped my nail," I grumbled to no one in particular, inspecting my broken nail. "oh well, it's time I cut them anyway."

my older brother by one year, Red, leaned over the couch to look at it. "you beat someone up again?" his hazel eyes were narrowed in suspicion.

"why do you get all the fun?" my other brother - older than me by two years - complained, almost completely destroying his playstation controller with his thumbs as he played some dumb game on the tv. his usual slicked back hair was swept up in a half ponytail.

"because you guys are always being lazy at home! and doing school! who does school?" I groaned and got up from the couch. "give me that controller. you suck, Jack."

non family members called him Blackjack because of how notorious he was with his rivals. if his opponents don't surrender by the time he knocks down twenty-one people unconscious, then he'll kill the remainders. luckily for them, it hasn't come down to that. that's why the smart guys stayed away and never challenged him.

"so yeah. I beat up a kid who punched Blue and made fun of his name."

honestly, I wish that someone idiotic enough would attempt to beat up Jack. now he's always at home eating all the groceries. and lecturing me. it's so annoying sometimes.

"ah. I hope his face needs reconstruction surgery," Red snickered. "and yeah Jack. give her the controller."

he rolled his eyes and handed it over to me. "at least the bully won't come after him again. and don't say you don't like school. you need it to graduate."

Red scoffed. "says the one who has to retake their last year of high school."

Jack was nineteen, and he skipped out on too many classes during his senior year. it was only recently that he started getting more serious about school because he was kinda our role model and was responsible for us, since my parents were away. so yeah, he failed twelfth grade. before that, he was also a delinquent. but I'll get to that later on.

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