chapter 6

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I stared at the nonsense on the chalkboard, completely zoned out. I'd forced myself to stay in school the whole day just so I wouldn't miss any new developments about the fight. apparently, kids from other schools would be coming to watch. I wondered if Ryuguji was coming... I MEAN-

then the last bell of the day rung throughout the school. I could finally leave this boring hell hole.

around me, people were whispering about who they thought would win. I listened in discreetly as I packed up my notebook - which surprisingly had notes in it. what else was I going to do during class? I was bored.

"I heard the tall kid can kick some serious ass."

"naw man, he looks like he's all talk. watch his skinny ass snap in half."

I wondered who they were talking about. I got up out of my seat and left the classroom in a hurry, my school skirt rising up a little bit. I tugged it down in annoyance and loosened the tie around my neck. muttering to myself, I walked down the long hallway to find Red.

these school uniforms were the worst.

"Violet!" a voice called out.

I paused, looking to my left. Red had just gotten out of class and his hazel eyes were looking kinda tired. he had his bag slung over one shoulder, and his shirt was halfway untucked.

"ready to go?" he asked with a brow raised.


"oi Red, is this your girlfriend?" some gangster looking kid with his black hair half buzzed said, sliding beside Red and putting his elbow on his shoulder. the gold chain earring he wore swung back and forth.

I met the kid's menacing dark eyes in irritation. now who's the dumbass in front of me?

"no, Kokonoi. that's my younger sister," Red sighed in exasperation, moving out from the kid's elbow. "come on, Violet." he looked like he had no patience for this guy.

"sister? but you guys looking nothing alike."

I have better genes, that's why, I wanted to say, but continued on walking down the now populated hallway with Red, leaving him to stand alone. he would've followed if it wasn't for the heavy flow of people walking by.

"hey! where you guys going?"

Red leaned over and whispered, "don't talk to him. I admire his money making tips, but he's dangerous and has a lot of connections to many bad people."

I made a confused face, but shrugged. "I wouldn't willingly talk to him anyway. he looks annoying."

the sea of people wove around us as we walked in the middle of the hallway. people kept their eyes down and avoided making eye contact with us. that was most likely because of the fact that we were one of the few people who lived in the 'hood.' all of these kids were preppy, rich, and didn't know the highs and lows of being raised in our neighbourhood. in other words, they were scared of us.

Red barked out a laugh, making kids nearby flinch. I smiled. "you find everyone annoying."


on the way to the location (an abandoned school building), we caught up to Alani and some of his buddies from a different school. I knew the blonde kid who wore his curly hair in a pompadour, Takemitchy, because he always came by the house to pick up my twin on his motorcycle. sometimes he hung out in our house and ate dinner with us.

Atsushi Sendo, or Akkun, was also with him, along with the blondie who had an undercut - Chifuyu? - and another blond with blue eyes. he had a large burn that reached from his temple to his cheekbone. this one was unfamiliar to me, but I overheard him respond to the name 'Inupi.'

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