chapter 30

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~ hey guys🤗🤗🥰🥰😍😍🥰🥰 I lowkey forgot abt wattpad for a bit but HERES THE NEXT CHAPTER. ENJOY


~ Draken ~

"a gun... to her head."

it's been a week since I'd seen Violet. there haven't been any leads at all. if Hanma was good at anything, it would be his ability to keep quiet.

the leads we were chasing didn't know where she was either, even if we had to use certain... measures to get them to spit it out. it was clear that bastard didn't trust anybody. I would've thought his efforts were honourable-

but it was my girl he kidnapped.

whatever sick intentions he had with Vi, I would repay it by giving him a lot broken bones.

I sighed (something I'd begun to do more frequently) and sat up on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. my hair spilled over my face - shortened and dyed back to black because of my compulsive thoughts.

it was about five in the morning. I'd started waking up earlier too, going for jogs around downtown in hopes that I would find her. somehow. it didn't help that I couldn't get any sleep either.

I shrugged on a light hoodie and some shorts, washed up, then left the building.

PLAY: Out of Time - The Weeknd

my thoughts were empty as I began jogging through the dark and deserted streets of downtown. the pavement was almost black from last night's downpour, the streets still slick with rainwater. I let the cold seep into my skin and I shivered. the music in my ears blasted almost every thought away. every thought except her.

the shape of her face, her eyes, her lips... the soft curves of her body, her laugh... her smile.


an invisible fist squeezed my heart so hard, I thought it would burst. it was almost too much to bear. I hadn't been there to keep her safe. the one time I relaxed and forgot about what a threat Hanma was. I didn't even want to think about him at the time because I was so happy just being around her.

"fuck!" I spat, ripping my airpods out of my ears. my sight blurred with anger and frustration. a few crows nearby fluttered away because of my sudden outburst.

"Draken?" a voice spoke.

my hand shot to the gun hidden in my waistband as I looked up. her pinkish hair was tied back into a ponytail, her green eyes narrowed at my hand with suspicion. she wore a green apron, her name tag on the corner - Senju.

"oh, wassup," I cleared my throat, moving my hand to my hoodie pockets. I ignored the guilt I felt in the pit of my stomach. "you're at work early."

the door closed with a bell clinking noise and Senju brought out a street sign from behind her, propping it up beside me. it read buy a coffee mug, get another one for 20% off! in neat pastel chalk. I scoffed.

"I'm always here early. which you'd know if you weren't so worried about Violet - but that's understandable. also, you jog by every day!" she proclaimed and pointed at me. "come inside. let's talk."

I didn't protest as I followed her inside the dimly lit café. she seemed like the only one in right now.

"sit," she motioned to the nearest chair. "I'll get you a bagel."

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