chapter 19: Draken (alternate)

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- you and hina caught your boyfriend Hanma cheating!!!!!


PLAY: Beware by Big Sean

I was saved from going onto a roller coaster ride when Hina called Takemitchy, saying something about Violet. he frowned into his phone, trying to hear her though the heavy base of loud music coming from-

"a bar? what are you doing there?" Takemitchy shouted into his phone.

me and Jack exchanged glances. Hakkai and Yuzuha (they'd joined up once they spotted us in the crowd) raised a brow. I plucked the phone out of Takemitchy's hand and brought it up to my ear.

"what's going on?" I asked, cringing at how loud it was on the other end. I didn't have a good feeling about it.

"huh, Draken? Draken? thank God, Violet took too many shots and now she's dancing in the middle of the crowd and I can't reach her!" she yelled, panic in her voice. "there's weird men all over the place!"

"where are you?" I demanded.

"what's wrong?" Yuzuha asked in concern.

what is Vi doing in a club? drinking? she doesn't drink!

"I texted Takemichi the location! come quick!"

and she hung up. I tried to fight down my worry, but it flared up every time I tried to push it down. I hurriedly went to Takemitchi's messages and tapped on their location, sending it to my own phone.

"I'll take care of this. you guys stay here and have fun," I spoke calmly and faced them.

"I'll come," Takemitchy said with determination.

"me too," Jack stepped forwards, but I shook my head, resting my hand on his shoulder. I was at least an inch taller than him now. "I got this. get your lady."

I smiled, subtly tilting my head towards Yuzuha - who he had the longest crush on. it was really obvious, now and back when we were kids. Jack laughed, shaking his head as he patted my shoulder. Yuzuha frowned in confusion.

"you ass. fine, I leave my handful of a sister to you. I trust you way more than her boyfriend anyway," he replied, saying that last bit with venom. "I bet he's the reason why she's in a bar in the first place."

my jaw clenched, my eyes seeing red for a moment.

"but we can chat about that later. good luck!" Jack said, leaving me and Takemitchy to handle it.

"Hanma's a real piece of work, isn't he," I growled to no one in particular, walking with long strides towards our bikes in the parking lot.

"you mean, a real piece of shit," Takemitchy corrected me, a gleam in his blue eyes.

I barked out a harsh laugh and clapped him on the back. he stumbled forward with an oof.


the bouncer pushed open the door for us, dipping his head in acknowledgement. we were immersed in the smell of alcohol, loud music, dancing, sweaty people, and flashy neon lights. the air was humid, and my shirt clung uncomfortably to my skin. Takemitchy sighed.

"they said this was a bar, not a full blown club," he said, scratching the back of his neck. I shook my head as well.

"let's split up," I urged, making my way through the crowd trying to spot Violet or Hina. "check the bar."

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