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- violet moved back to the US!!!!!!

I opened the door eagerly, smiling up at the person I loved the most. his dark eyes twinkled as he gazed down lovingly at me. my hand grasped his, pulling him into my home, shutting the door behind him.

"mom! dad! I want to introduce you to somebody."

both my parents came around the corner and grinned. they exchanged excited glances, happy to finally meet my boyfriend.

"nice to meet you," he said politely, gripping my hand.

I squeezed back reassuringly. I knew he was nervous, and it made me giggle. he subtly bumped his hip into my side.

"it's nice to finally meet you too," my mom said, her face bright.

"we've heard a lot of great things about you," my dad said happily. "welcome to the family Ryuguji."

I grinned at my boyfriend, wrapping my arm around him. my heart was full of so much love for him. he sighed in relief.

"thank you, sir."

the thunder rumbled outside, jolting me from my dream. I shifted in my bed, half asleep, feeling the dream dissolve little by little. the sound of rain hitting the window and Alani's soft snore slowly lulled me back into a restless sleep.

gentle kisses were planted onto the space below my ear - my soft spot - from behind me. his arms were around my waist. a feeling of happiness and love spread throughout me as I flipped a pancake. I laughed, my body melting back into him. he chuckled, kissing my cheek and inhaling the scent of food.

"mmm my favourite. thank you, princess."

"you're welcome, but it was the baby talking," I said, looking down at my soon to be swollen belly.

his hands rested on my stomach and he planted another kiss on my cheek. "you should sit down, let me do the cooking."

I sighed, but gave him the spatula. he stole a kiss from me, and again, I melted into it. my chest was heavy with emotion.

the dream shifted, my body protesting.

I stood in a familiar alley, and a hand was held out to me. I looked up to see who it was, my gaze resting on Ryuguji. he was smiling softly at me.

"let's run."

I didn't hesitate and placed my hand in his, my knuckles bloody, a grin widening my lips.

we ran, getting on our bikes and pedalling away. I looked back to see if they were following, but they were helping the girl I'd punched.

a laugh bubbled out of my mouth as I looked at Ryuguji. he was grinning, his amber eyes gleaming with danger. his two toned hair was blown back with the wind, his chain earring swinging against his neck.

he wasn't Ryuguji.

the dream shifted again.

I was back in Japan, in Hanma's car. I was sitting in the passenger seat, with Ryuguji in the back, and Hanma driving. we were going 30 over the limit.

"please Hanma, slow down," I pleaded, holding onto the car door.

he was furious. his hands gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. I quickly looked back at Ryuguji to see if he was okay. his face was emotionless as ever, but his jaw was clenched. he was grabbing at his seatbelt with one hand, the other hand on the back of Hanma's seat. when he locked eyes with me, he softened, his expression turning into worry.

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