chapter 14

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AN: I was thinking about writing an aomine daiki (from Kuroko's basketball) fanfic bc bball season been here and I love me a man who's good at it😩😩 im acc so tempted I might do a likkle sum sum later on who knows. but enjoy :)

Hanma's gaze - though lazy - pierced through me like hawks talons as I moved further in his line of sight, trying to block out Ryuguji and Mitsuya. I tried my hardest to keep my hands from shaking, but they wouldn't obey. so I tucked them in my back pockets instead, pretending to be nonchalant, but hell was I terrified. I barely managed to keep my face emotionless as I stared back at him challengingly.

he smirked down the length of his nose, his mouth cracking into a smile that reminded me of the Cheshire Cat. "I knew you'd come."

"I didn't come here for you," I spat, crossing my arms. "let them go."

"or what?" he replied immediately and rested his chin on his fist.

tch! he was toying with me.

the way he was too at ease, too comfortable, triggered me. a burning feeling of hatred grew stronger, and it was spreading through my veins, making me see red.

"no, Violet," Mitsuya whispered from behind.

I ignored him, along with Draken's stare boring into my back. I could practically feel their stress, anger, and anxiety flowing towards me. and as much as it pained me to do this, I had to make a deal with him somehow. they came first, always.

"what do you want from me?" I ground out, but I already knew the answer. my hands became fists, my nails pressing into the flesh of my palms.

"honestly, I'm not too big on revealing my plans in front of a crowd," he tapped his finger against his temple, calculating. "come up. let's talk."

Mitsuya slowly sidestepped the car to move towards me, but a tsk stopped him in his tracks.

"alone," Hanma emphasized again before slipping back into the barely illuminated depths of the storage unit.

I whirled towards Mitsuya, whispering that he should stay and keep watch where he was. he was hesitant, but obeyed as I entered the building.

the first floor was empty and dark, the glow of a soft yellow light from upstairs beckoning me towards it. I carefully padded up the concrete steps, my footsteps like thunder in my ears. my head popped up and I scanned the square shaped room, my eyes level with the floor. I saw Hina, Takemichi, and Smiley unconscious in a heap by the corner, guarded by two of Hanma's masked men. once I spotted Blue standing - gagged but unhurt - my heart leapt. his eyes were wide, but he didn't look scared.

in the shadows, I could barely make out Hanma's steely figure, who had one arm around Blue's shoulder as he sat in a rickety stool beside him.

my lip curled in fury as I fully climbed the remaining stairs, stopping just before the two of them. "I'm here. now what do you want?"

Hanma flicked his punishment hand out to his cronies standing around (four in total), and they immediately moved to lift my friends up on their feet. my chest constricted in fear when they started groaning, but realized that they were only dragging them downstairs and outside. Mitsuya's relieved shout was confirmation they were safe.

now it was only the three of us.

"there. I did what you asked. happy?" he said, giving me a lazy smile and shaking poor Blue beside him. but still kept my cool.

"no. let him go."

Hanma looked at me for a second before rolling his eyes. he released my brother, raising his hands in surrender. a woosh of breath escaped my lungs as Blue ran to my side, clutching onto my arm tightly. I tussled his thick hair with my free hand and removed his gag, tossing it to the side, forever grateful that he was safe. I wanted to have a little reunion celebration dance, but right now was definitely not the time.

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