chapter 8

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viewer discretion is advised LMAO

Ryuguji gently loosened my fingers from around his arm, saying something that completely went through one ear and out the other.

it was like everything went in slow motion.

"I already won."

Alani's eyes flashed with fury. it was already too late.

I held my breath, watching Hanma twist his body around, lifting up his leg. his leg flashed around, catching Alani by the side of the face. he was thrown to the ground with a hard thud.

I gasped, barely processing what I just saw. it went too fast. Alani grunted in pain and tried to push himself off the ground. a mix of cheers and shocked voiced echoed through the clearing.

"I'll kill you," Hanma sneered, looking down at him. he looked like he didn't even break a sweat.

Alani's arms shook as he propped himself up onto one elbow. he strained his neck looking up at Hanma. the bruises on his face were getting even more swollen now. "no, I don't trust you with her-"

Hanma sneered, his hands in his pockets as he kicked him down again. Alani clenched his jaw to keep from crying out in pain.

"Ryuguji, I don't know if I can watch," I said weakly, pressing my face into his arm again. "Ryuguji, please."

I heard a sigh escape his lips. "fine. but only because you asked me to."

he calmly walked forward and crouched down beside my brother, holding up his hand to stop Hanma. I saw him speak a few words to the both of them, and Hanma smiled in response. I was too far to hear what they were saying.

"aw man. Jack's so going to yell at me when he sees him all bruised and bloody," Red came up beside me, shaking his head. "but he did his best."

"he was actually kinda evenly matched with Hanma, actually," the tall guy - Hakki - spoke with awe. "even for his height."

Alani wasn't nearly as tall as Jack was, and he was pretty skinny like Blue. we joked around that he was the runt of our family.

"I'm still so proud," Takemitchy agreed, almost tearing up.

everyone in the group started conversing about the fight and what they thought the fight was about. but their questions would soon be answered.

"everyone! sorry Osanai, I'll be taking over now," Draken shouted over the chatter and whispered the last part to Osanai, who nodded curtly. "the fight has been won by Hanma."

equal amounts of cheers and boos were heard all around. Draken held up his hand to shush them.

"I know you're upset because it was a quick match, but it wouldn't be a fair fight if it continued. Hanma, over here, will now be explaining the reason for this fight, because I'm sure most of us have no clue why this happening in the first place," he paused looking directly at me, then nodded at Hanma. "if you will."

"he told me that I couldn't date his sister-"

"hold on, date? we're talking about Violet right?" Draken interrupted, making Hanma roll his eyes.

my eyes widened in shock. me? Hanma wants to date me? I couldn't help but feel a small fraction of happiness. you're saying my crush likes me too?

"as I was saying, yes we are talking about Violet," Hanma, paused looking over at me with a small smile. I could sense a hint of devilishness about him, and it made my heart pound. "if I beat Alani, then I get to take her out. that was the deal."

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