chapter 17

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back at home, I was lazying around on the couch, playing video games with my brothers.

until the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Red spoke as his lanky form got up from the carpet to the door. he came back with a package and a note. "Vi, it's for you."

"what does the note say?" I asked, still staring intently at the tv and spamming the controller so I wouldn't get pummelled by Jack's character.

"what is it?" Blue echoed my thoughts, leaping off the couch to see. Jack thankfully paused the game and turned with an eyebrow up. Alani frowned at the package.

Red plopped the light feeling box onto my legs and started to read the note, clearing his throat before doing so. "Violet, I hope we won't be having any problems tonight... what the fuck does that mean?"

"should I be worried?" Jack inquired, fully turning to face us. "who's it from?"

ain't no way, boy.

"that bastard," I mumbled. the bruises on my back started to ache as I straightened. "Hanma. he's forcing me to go on another date."

when we literally went on one two days ago. couldn't he wait like a week or something?

all my brothers shot up, their faces varying expressions of shock and distaste. they all started speaking at once.

"he's so mean! don't go," Blue huffed.

"want me to rip this package up for you?" Red offered, his face so serious I wanted to laugh.

"I'll knock him out. I need a rematch anyway," Alani said and cracked his neck, earning himself a slap to the back of the head by Jack. he scowled.

"no. the deal was a date. not dates. you're not going," Jack spoke louder than all of them as he lifted himself off the floor. his face was grim, and I knew he was already regretting letting me go the first time. he only let me because of my impressive persuasion skills.

and by persuasion skills, I mean giving him the silent treatment. he couldn't stand it, because of the girl advice he needed to pull Yuzuha. the advice that I could only give, because my other brothers were, well, guys. I think they even have a date planned in a few days.

"I don't trust that snake," he continued, crossing his arms, his eyes smouldering as Red began ripping open the package.

"I don't either, but I have to go. I need to," I said in determination. if I didn't... who knows what would happen to Ry.

"why?" Alani narrowed his eyes at me, his brows furrowing. Blue also glanced over in curiosity.

I hadn't told them about the last date in too much detail, only saying that the food was okay and that everything else was boring. or why I went in the first place. all they knew was that me and Hanma had a deal so he would stay away from our friends and not bother us.

in the end, the deal was futile. Hanma could go back on his word anytime he wanted and I wouldn't be able to stop him, not even with the help of my brothers.

I had to say something to get them to let me go.

"because he's actually... nice to me," I said firmly, trying so hard not to cringe at my own words. the bruises on my back proved otherwise as well.

"I don't believe you," Jack shook his head.

"from what I heard, he's dirty and will do anything to get what he wants. he worked with Kisaki, after all," Alani said, matter-of-factly. I'd forgotten he was in Toman and experienced that nightmare of a person at one point.

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