chapter 2

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a long time ago..

"aw! looks like your brothers aren't here to save you this time, Violet," a girl in my class taunted.

I tried to get up off the ground, but was pushed back down again. my head slammed against the concrete, and I felt a stab of pain. the three girls crowded around me, pointed and laughed. I massaged my head.

"she's so weak."

"what a stupid loser."

"shut up you jerks!" I yelled as loudly as I could and rose up.

two of them stepped back. the one who didn't got up close to my face and tugged painfully at my hair. I grit my teeth, tears welling up in my eyes from frustration.

"you're such a baby! guys, look, she's going to cry-"

just as she turned around to face her friends, I pushed her as hard as I could. she stumbled over her feet, falling hard on her behind. her dumb face scrunched up and tears started welling in her own eyes. I wiped my tears away so I could see more clearly. my nose twitched with frustration.

she's so ugly.

the other two backed up even more, their eyes wide with fear.

it irritated me.

I went for the two scaredy cats, swiftly taking off my shoe and charging at them with a battle cry. they started screaming and running once they realized what was about to happen. but I wasn't going to let them get away. I ignored the sharp feeling of the concrete against my socked foot.

once I got close enough, I swung at the back of both their heads with the shoe. there was a loud whack sound as the bottom of the shoe made contact with their heads.

both of them immediately went down as they clutched their heads. the both of them were wailing.

"shut up! or I'll hit you harder!" I snarled, my anger completely going off the rails.

I put my shoe back on and waited for them to stop. they only cried harder. it pushed me over the edge. fire burned throughout my veins.

I snatched fistfuls of their hair in my hands, shaking their heads violently. "I told you to shut up."

to my relief, they quieted down, staring up at me with frightened eyes as they cried silently. I pushed them away from me, releasing their hair. once I did, they immediately got up and scampered away.

tch, serves them right.

I turned around. the girl who I shoved onto the concrete was still there, crying her eyes out. it was such an annoying sight.

"look who's crying now?" I taunted, slowly making my way closer to her.

I saved the best for last.

"you're still a stupid loser," she hiccuped and rubbed at her eyes.

another flare of anger rose up in me. I stopped beside her and looked down on her. she slowly brought her gaze up to mine, and the look I saw in her eyes was priceless. fear.

I broke out in a grin and grabbed her by her collar. big crocodile tears slid down her face. it only fuelled my irritation.

"stop crying."

she continued to cry.

"are you deaf? I said, stop crying."

she started wailing, her face scrunching up again. that was my last warning. now she'll get what she deserved.

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