my love take your time

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y/n has cancer.
this is like their last day together. angst, death, i apologize for this. this takes place in like 2002. they're like 27 ....

sorry for any mistakes.

they've been together forever.

she was losing the love her her life. Surely but slowly.

angelina was broken, y/n was getting weaker and weaker.

she'd went bald already, her heart was slowing. It was to the point where she only had a short time to live.

the doctor said she'd have 2 weeks to live. But y/n's two weeks are almost up. 2 mores days to be more specific.

angelina had begged the doctor to let her take y/n home so she could spend one more day with her . she had everything planned.

y/n could walk on her own she wasn't that weak. getting the doctors permission to take her out. but she had to have her back that night. they didn't want to risk anything.

getting y/n out the first thing they did was get some ice cream. ice cream was y/n's favorite. getting her favorite flavor and angelina getting hers. they took their ice cream as they walked towards the park. they had their two dogs.

they continued the day taking pictures, having fun, doing their favorite things.

It was 7:30 angelina wanted to head back towards their apartment to watch a movie or two.

getting back to their shared apartment. angelina already had everything set up, she had snacks out and popcorn already popped thanks to your mom.

angelina turned on the movie as y/n settled in. angelina cuddled up to y/n. they began to eat their snacks and watch their favorite movie.

they shared lots of kiss, and tears. angelina thought it would be a great time to say something. she wanted to let y/n know how much she loves her and how much she'll miss her.

"y/n when i first laid my eyes on you that one day of our senior year of high school. I know I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You always had this smile on your face, it brought joy to me. I remember my mom brought you up and I started blusing hard. I knew I was in love with you. You made my heart jump every day, when you would walk up to me and call me angel. I just wanted to kiss you. Our senior prom night. You beautiful, when I saw you I just wanted to tell you how I felt right then and there, but I didn't because I didn't think you'd feel the same way. But I was wrong. That day of your 19th birthday. That guy he was flirting with you, I got super jealous. I hated watching that. I pulled you away from him. Told you how I felt, all for you to say "finally", and tell me you felt the same. Every since that day we've done everything together." angelina paused tears running down her face. "Your my soulmate Y/n and I hate that I have to lose you this way I hate that we can't stop it. Everyday of my life I told myself "I will protect her if it's the last thing I do". But I cant protect you, I failed you. And i'm sorry i'm so so sorry y/n" angelina said breaking down some more.

Y/n pulled angelina close. "You didn't fail me angel. You have protected me. Non of this is your fault. I love you so much and it hasn't changed. Fate sometimes gets in the way of true love. When I first met you I knew you were the one. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. You have made me a stronger woman. You've made me more confident in myself. When we found out I was sick, you made sure I was comfortable. You put your life on hold of me, you held off on you dreams to take care of me. And I appreciate you. I'm glad to spend my last days with you, i'm glad to have had a love like this." Y/n said tears falling.

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