Chapter 18

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As I was laughing at something Niall had just said suddenly my phone goes off, without looking at the I answered "Hello?"

"Why hello Zaynikins."

As soon as I heard this I froze why is she calling me? We broke up months ago and told her I was already in a relationship with Perrie! If I told her all this then why has she decided to call me? Why has-

Before I could ask myself more questions she decided to speak up "So, I'm guessing the silience on the other end means a good thing? Or am I wrong?"

Looking around nervously I slowly sat up from the couch and quickly walked to my room, breathing an air of relief I put the phone back on my ear "What do you want? And no it means a bad thing." I spat.

"Well that's a shame and why you of course." She purred making my face turn into disgust.

"Well, I don't want you. I have Perrie now and I love her, I'd never do anything to hurt her." I said agrivated.

Suddenly I heard crying on the other line making me roll my eyes at her act "I remember when you used to talk to me that way, everything was going well until Perrie came in and snatched you away from me!" She yelled.

"Our breaking up had nothing to do with Perrie! I broke up with you because you cheated on me multiple times and lied to my face about each and every one of them every day!" I yelled back.

Once I realised what I had said I froze and put my hand over my mouth, she didn't know that I knew that, neither did the lads nor Perrie they just think I broke up with her because I fell out of love with her, I mean yeah that's one of the reasons but this, no this is the main reason why.

"How'd you know about that?" She asked shakily into the phone.

"I knew about it since I came home early one day to surprise you, only to get a surprise of my own and not a good one." I replied looking down, growing angrier at the memory.


As I was finishing the last touches on my tie I patted my hand against my pocket to see if the box was there, when I felt it I breathed out in relief.

Opening up the front door with a happy grin it soon was wiped off my face when I saw the love of my life making out with some man much younger than me on my sofa couch.

I soon felt tears coming out of my eyes and fast making my vision somewhat blurry, rushing out of the house without them noticing me I closed the front door silently and skid down the door.

Wiping the multiple tears that were streaming down I brought out the box out of my pocket and opened it up, it was my great grandmum's engagment ring. I can't believe I was actually going to ask her to marry me and then she goes and does this to me!

I should've known something was going on, I mean c'mon on! I'm more at home than she is and that's saying something! I guess...I guess I'm going to have to break up with her.

Closing the small box silently I put it back into my pocket stood up and walked off, sniffiling every once in awhile.

**End of Flashback**

"I just do." I said into the phone my voice cracking at the end making me realise I was silently crying, quickly wiping the tears away I commanded angrily "Leave me and Perrie alone you got that?"

"Loud and clear." She replied softly, then hung up.

Looking towards the mirror I noticed how I looked, making me walk into the restroom and splash some ice cold water against my face. I glad Perrie wasn't here to see me like this, or else she would've been worried and asked me millions of questions. The main thing is, that's one of the things I love best about her.

Smiling softly just thinking of her I quickly called her up and waited for her to answer "Hi Zayn!" she exclaimed cheerfully into the phone making my smile turn into a big grin."

"Hey baby girl." I replied.

"Is something wrong?" She asked already worried.

"Not anymore." I replied with a big grin.


Well that's it! I'm sorry I took forever to update but meh! I'm also sorry, but this was mostly a filler chapter so if it sucked that is why. xD Anyways his crazy ex called him once more! And we learned a little more on his past with her, looks like Zayn has a little secret of his that not even the lads know! Or do they? (;

Don't forget to Vote and Comment, bye! ^-^

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