Chapter 24

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Perrie's POV

"Pez, wake up, we're going to be late."

Groaning, I shove the duvet over my head and whine in distaste, "No, I never want to see him again."

"C'mon Pez, I promise you the girls and I will steer you away from him and try everything in our power to keep him away from you."

Giving in I pulled the duvet off over my head, sit up, and look at Leigh-Anne, "Fine, but only because I can't let down our fans and I'm definitely not going to start now." I say with determination.

"There's the spirit!" Jade exclaimed, "Now let's go, they're waiting for us!"

Shooing them out of my room I quickly got dressed, grab my things and walk outside where everyone was.

Just as soon as I set down my suitcase I tensed as soon as I heard the high pitch sound that is her voice, "Look whose finally here!"

"Buzz off Ashlyn! You're not even supposed to be here." Louis snarls, giving her a death glare.

"Whatever." She muttered and turned towards he who shall not be named, "At least Zayn wants me here, isn't that right Zaynikins?"

Finally looking at him I found him staring at me with unknown emotions causing me to frown.

"Right, Zaynikins?" The she devil repeats.

"Right." He agrees that looked almost forceful.

"See! I'm wanted here!" She giggles.

"Whatever." Louis muttered, "Anyways, who else is ready to have the most sick tour ever?"

"We are!" All of us yelled in unison, me less excited than all of them though.

Clapping his hands together Liam looked as with a straight face which broke into a smile seconds later, "Let's get this show on the road!"

Cheering in agreement I rolled my suitcase up the stairs and threw it on a random bottom bunk bed.

Turning around I grunted in slight pain when I ran into a body, looking up to say sorry I quickly close my mouth when I see who it is.

"Why are you on this bus?" I ask while trying to tone down my anger.

Tilting her head, which in my opinion made her look like a dog, an ugly one at that, anyways tilting her head a smirk formed on her face, "I think the correct term is I'm sorry but I wouldn't care anyhow. As to answer your question where else would I go?"

"Oh, I don't know! Stay with Zayn since he's the one who invited you in the first place!" I yell in anger.

Before she could respond Jesy exclaims, "What is going on here!"

Turning towards her with a devious smirk she says, "I'm staying on the same bus as you girls are!"

Jesy's mouth dropped in horror and yells, "No way no how! Get the hell off our bus!"

The bus at this time decided to graciously start moving much to mine and Jesy's distaste.

Shrugging her shoulders with the devious smirk still apparent on her face she says, "Oh well, can't leave now can I?"

"What the hell is she doing here!"

Lets just say this is going to be a long drive...


As we got out of the bus for a quick stop let's just say I jumped for joy and kissed the ground.

"Um, love what are you doing? As a matter a fact what are all of you doing?" Louis asked, looking at us weirdly.

Looking up I say casually as if discussing what I want for dinner, "Celebrating not being stuck on the bus with Ashlyn for a few minutes."

Nodding in understanding he says, "Sounds about right."

Gasping with fake hurt she turns towards Zayn, stomped her foot, and whines, "Zayn they're talking bad about me!"

"Guys don't talk bad about Ashlyn in front of her." He says as if it was rehearsed.

"Zayn!" She yells.

"Right, sorry say it in front of her." He says with a smirk.

"The incident." She sing-songs and smirks when she sees him go pale.

Incident? What incident? I ask myself curiously.

As if reading my mind Niall asked, "What do you mean by incident?"

"Oh nothing." She sing-songs while walking into the convenience store.

As we all started our way into the store Niall mutters beside me, "But I genuinely want to know."

Laughing I pat his shoulder with a smile, "Good luck with that Nialler."

Looking away I saw Zayn watching us afar with a conflicted expression on his face which quickly disappeared as Ashlyn demanded for his attention on whether or not Smart Water would actually make her smarter or not.

I scoffed, as if she was already smart.

Quickly grabbing what I wanted, I payed, and got on the bus.

I thought to myself, this tour surely is going to be something.


I know I haven't updated in so long and I'm extremely sorry about that but I hope to update more in the future, let's just say I'm definitely going to finish this story.

Anyways, vote and comment!

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