Chapter 15

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Surprise! Missed me? Well I missed you! ^-^ Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Perrie's POV

"Perrie love you gotta wake up." Zayn said shaking my shoulder lightly, groaning I turned to the other side ignoring him causing him to chuckle.

"C'mon love we're going to go visit Harry." he said sadly shaking my shoulder once more, yawning I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and got out of bed.

Pouting Zayn asked "What about my morning kiss?"

Giggling I replied sighing dramatically "Morning breath Zayn morning breath."

"I don't care about morning breath though." Zayn whined.

Shaking my head at his sillyness I replied "Well I do so shh!"

Walking towards the bathroom I brushed my teeth taking slightly longer than usually just to piss Zayn off a little, when I was finally done turned around only to see Zayn leaning against the doorway with a smirk.

"Done?" he asked.

"Done." I confirmed with a nod.

"Good." Zayn replied smiling.

Before I could question him suddenly I felt his plump lips on mine, moving the kiss in sync I couldn't help but and I know this sounds cliché but I felt butterflies in my belly and fireworks going off causing me to smile into the kiss.

As we broke apart we just stood there smiling at eachother like creeps finally after what it seemed like days when it was only minutes we starting getting ready and walked downstairs so see everyone already there waiting for us.

Smirking at us with her arms crossed Jade exclaimed "Finally you're here!" causing me to blush bright red.

Shaking my head I said "Whatever let's just go see Harry." as I said this suddenly the room was filled with saddness with a nod we all jumped in the car and sped off.

**At the hospital...**

When we arrived in Harry's room the first word out of Liam's mouth was "How is he? How are you? Are you hungry? You know what I'm going to get you some food." causing a small smile to form on Louis's features.

"Liam! Calm down! He's fine, I'm fine and no I'm not hungry Niall already brought food earlier." Louis replied shaking his head.

Sighing in relief Liam asked sadly "Well that's good, do you know when he'll wake up?"

With a smile still on his face Louis exclaimed "Yes, within the next hour." causing us to gasp and cheer in excitment.

Hugging Zayn's side I asked slightly pouting "Should we leave then?"

Chuckling he replied "No need Pez, I'm sure Harry will be happy to see his loved ones when he first wakes up." nodding in agreement we all sat down and paitently waited.

Seeing that everyone was already seated I pouted seeing there was no seats left, as I was about to sit down on the floor Zayn stopped me and pulled me onto his lap "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

Giggling I replied tilting my head slightly "The floor where else?" shaking his head he sighed and kissed my forehead leaving tingles when he pulled away.

As we waited, we decided to play some games to pass some time. We played truth or dare causing some havoc ok more like a lot, we then played never have I ever and then when we were playing 20 questions suddenly a scratchy voice spoke up "Well aren't you going to ask me questions that's rather rude don't you think?" causing us to gasp and turn around.

When Louis saw Harry woke up he ran happily towards him gave him a huge hug and exclaimed "Hazza you're awake!"

"Water." Harry croaked out.

"Right sorry." Louis said passing him water, when he was finally done he asked confused "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" I asked shooting me a look I smiled sheepishly at Harry and said "Sorry stupid question."

"It's fine love." Harry said with a wink chuckling at me causing Zayn to give him the death glare, noticing this I elbowed Zayn and said quietly "Chill Zayn he doesn't know."

"I know I just get jealous easily." Zayn replied pouting.

"And that's what I like most about you." I told him pinching his cheeks.

"Ah so I see you guys are finally together." Harry stated interrupting our little moment.

"That we are." Zayn said not even taking his eyes off me.

Seeing this I laughed and said "Zayn , Harry's talking to you."

"I'm aware but right now you're all I care about no matter what." he replied stroaking my cheek lightly causing me to flush bright red.

"Oi! Lovebirds we're here for Harry not to see you guys looking at eachother with googily eyes!" Niall huffed crossing his arms.

Rolling my eyes I asked "Right sorry, how are you feeling Harry?"

"I'm alright." he said with a shrug.

"That's good." I replied with a nod.

As we talked for a few more hours the doctor finally walked in and said smiling "Oh good you're finally awake. Now from what it says here Harry has been in a coma for quite awhile." causing Harry to gasp lightly.

"I was in a what?!" Harry asked angrily causing the doctor to turn toward and raise his eyebrows and look at us questionably.

Putting his hands up in surrender Liam said "In my defense I was just about to tell him."

"I'm not gonna ask again! What happened?" Harry asked frustrated.



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