Chapter 16

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Harry's POV [Change of events (;]

"Well...." the doctor began hesitantly. "You were trampled by fans and passed out, they didn't notice so they kept running causing you to have broken ribs and a busted lip."

"What?" I asked in a whisper.

"I'm sorry." he replied causing me to boil in anger, how could fans be so violent? At first I didn't quite mind but now I don't know.

Noticing my change in features Louis quickly said frowning "Harry don't think too much of it, they didn't know! If anything it's my fault."

Not believing what I'm hearing I said outraged "How the bloody hell is it your fault?!" fueled with rage I clenched my fists I can't possibly believe he would this is his fault!

Looking up at I saw him sliently crying causing my facial features to soften "It's my fault because I kept on running and I didn't even think to look back to see if you were alright. I should've known Harry I should've known!" he exclaimed dropping on his knees and putting his face in his hands breaking into sobs.

"Louis its not your fault!" I yelled.

Bringing his head up sniffiling he asked "It's not?"

Shaking my head at him I replied slightly smiling "No Louis its not, from what I remember it was mine."

"What? How?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Well you know me, I'm extremely clumsy which means I tripped over my own feet." I said chuckling. "If I had known my own feet would get me in this mess I wouldv'e been more careful."

"Now come over here and give me a hug!" I exclaimed opening my arms wide open for him., laughing he nodded his head and walked towards me pulling me into a quick hug.

Looking at everyone else I opened up my arms for them to give me a hug causing big grins to form on their features and run towards me with and pulled me into a group hug, looking to the left I noticed the doctor standing awkwardly to the side causing me to chuckle.

"So when can he leave?" Liam asked turning towards the doctor.

"Well that all depends on how he's feeling." he stated. "How are you feeling Harry?"

Groaning I replied "My ribs slightly hurt but other than that I feel perfectly fine." nodding his head he wrote something down on his clipboard and said sighing "Well he's seems good to go let me just give him some anti-biotics and he'll be outta of here tomorrow morning."

With a nod he turned towards the door and left "I'm hungry." I said and to confirm this my stomach decided to sound like a dying whale causing me to blush in embarresment and them to fall into laughter.

Calming down Liam suggested "Why don't I got to McDonalds and get you your usual meal and then come back sound good?" nodding my head in agreement he turned towards the others and asked "Do any of you want anything as well?"

"I do! I do!" Niall exclaimed jumping up and down with his hand in the air making us chuckle, that boy sure loves his food.

Grinning he replied "Alright Niall, anyone else?"

"Perrie and I would like something if that's alright?" Zayn asked.

"Of course its alright!" Liam exclaimed standing up he opened the door and dissapeared down the hallway.

"So what now?" I asked.

"How about we watch movies? Liam brought movies for the tv." Niall suggested.

Nodding our heads in agreement we put in Finding Nemo, as Dory would always say just keep swimmming.

*An hour and 40 minutes later...*

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