Chapter 4

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Perrie's POV

As I walked outside I noticed Zayn smoking, I hesitantly walked up to him and asked, "Zayn what's wrong?"

Apparently he was in his own little world cause when I said this he jumped and yelled, "Jezz Perrie! And what do you mean? I'm fine."

Not believing him I asked "Well why did you suddenly leave?"

Staring at me for a minute Zayn sighed and said, "I miss her."

Taken aback I said, "Oh..well don't worry Zayn stuff happens maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

"I know Perrie but it hurts you know? We've been together for so long." He said sadly.

"Well Zayn, I don't know what to tell you but what I do know is not to dwell on the past and look foward cause you never know what the future will bring you." I said softly.

"Your right Perrie thanks, oh and was it true back there do you really like someone?" Zayn asked now excited.

"What? Oh yeah it's true." I said

"Well who is it? Do I know him?" Zayn asked happily.

"Ya, you know him but that's all I'm gonna say alright?" I said not wanting to talk about this especially when the guy I like is him.

"I understand." Zayn said.

As we walked back inside and sat down Jade mouthed me "Are you alright?" Sighing I mouthed back "Yes." I could tell she didn't believe me but reluctantly let it go.

As we finally settled down a lady approached us wearing a Nando's uniform with her hair up in a ponytail and said with a tight smile, "Hi, welcome to Nandos my name is Lila are you ready to order?"

As we all gave her our orders while Niall asked for the whole menu I couldn't help but feel someone staring at me. When I looked around I saw that Zayn was the one staring at me with a sad smile but right when he noticed me catching him he quickly turned around. What the bloodly hell was that?

As Lila left to put our orders in we all fell into conversation and I couldn't help but feel like this was just the begining.


As we left Nandos with a full stomach we all said goodbye and left to go back home. Before I got in the car I felt an arm wrap around me and gave me a hug looking up to see who it was I saw Zayn. Cue butterflies here! Oh the things that boy does to me.

"Thanks for the advice it helped a lot." Zayn thanked smiling.

"Your welcome Zayn, anytime." I said.

After I said this he gave me one more hug and walked off. When I opened the door to the car and sat down all the girls started throwing questions about the hug at me.

"Guys calm down it was just a friendly hug, all he was doing was thanking me for earlier." I said.

Letting it go we sped off home. When we finally arrived home I walked into my house and did a dive into my bed.

"Ok tell the truth are you really ok?" Jade walked in and asked.

Turning around to face her I sighed and said, "No, the reason he left like that was because he missed his ex girlfriend. See I told you he doesn't like me back!"

"Oh honey he likes you trust me, you both are just in denial." Jade said and sing-songed the last word.

Not believing her I said, "Whatever let me sleep in peace!"

Clearly looking amused Jade asked, "Don't you have to be in pj's in order to go to sleep?"

Looking down at what I was wearing I blushed and said, "Whoops! Ok let me rephrase that leave me alone so I can get dressed and sleep in peace!" Putting her hands up in surrender she left the room.

When I was finally ready for bed all I dreamt about was a raven haired boy named Zayn.
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