Chapter 17

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This lovely chapter is going to be a Christmas special. I know it's extremely late but shush! Oh and sorry for my absense for I have been sick lately but I'll most certainly try and make it up to you. ^-^


Perrie's POV

"Hey Pez can you help me with the tree?" Louis asked me with eyes full of hope. If you were wondering what was going on well its Christmas time! But this year considering I'm with Zayn we decided to spice it up a bit and the girls and I agreed on having Christmas at the lads flat. A lot has happened since Harry's incident for example Niall has recently confessed to me about a certain crush on Jade. To say I was surprised was an understatement I honestly didn't see it coming. But what he doesn't know is that Jade feels the same.

"Of course Lou!" I said with a smile formed on my lips.

Before I could fully make it to him Zayn suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and sat me on his lap, pouting I whined "Zayn babe I need to help Lou with the tree!"

Kissing my forehead he pulled me closer into his arms he said with a smile "Well too bad, cause I wanna cuddle with you." causing red shades of pink to form on my cheeks.

Turning my head towards his I asked "But Louis certainly can't decorate the tree by himself can he?"

Hearing what I had just said Louis marched towards us put his hand on his hip and retorted "Hey! I'm perfectly fine putting the tree all by myself you know?"

"Well why don't you?" Zayn asked with a smirk.

Determination suddenly forming his features he stomped his foot and replied "You know what I will!"

As he walked off Zayn turned his head towards mine and asked with a puppy dog face "Cuddle now?"

Rolling my eyes I nodded and said "Cuddle now."

As we cuddled on the couch while watching Louis struggle Niall suddenly plopped down on the couch beside us causing me to look towards him.

Looking at me Niall asked "Can I ask you for some advice?" nodding my head he blew out a puff of air and asked with a serious expression "What do you do when you've fallen for someone but don't know exactly how to confess your feelings towards them?"

Sighing I gave a quick glance towards Zayn and right away knew my answer "Well honestly I think you should just flat out tell them how you feel, don't be like Zayn and I where we took ages to finally confess our feelings towards one another. But once we finally did I couldn't be happier." I replied with a smile.

"You know what you're right!" Niall said, standing up he marched towards the kitchen and came out with a oreo, changing his course he then marched towards the game room where the rest of the girls were.

"So who do you think it is?" Zayn asked with a curious expression.

"No idea." I answered nonchalantly.

Raising an eyebrow he reluctantly let it go and turned back towards Louis with an amused smile and asked "Do you think it's time to finally help Lou?"

Turning my head towards Lou I threw my head back into laughter when I noticed him tangled in the Christmas lights looking back at Zayn I replied to him still laughing "Yeah I think it's time to help."

Standing up we both walked towards Louis and helped him untangle himself, once we were finished Zayn asked with an amused smirk "How on earth did you manage that?"

"What do you expect I'm Louis Tomlinson." he retorted.

"He's got a point there." I said nodding my head in agreement "Now lets finish this tree."

Once we finally finished I headed towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, drinking a huge gulp of the ice cold water I closed the cap and looked around the kitchen only to see Jade thinking real hard about something while sitting at the bar.

Raising my eyebrows I asked "What's wrong?" snapping her head up she gasped out of surprise to see me standing there.

"Oh um nothing." She replied uncertaintly.

Rolling my eye's I put my hand on my hip and said "That's a lie and you know it, now what's wrong?"

Sighing deeply she looked directly at me with sad eye's "Niall just told me about the way he felt towards me."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked tilting my head.

"I don't think I'm the girl that he truly wants." She replied sadly.

"Oh c'mon Jade! That's untrue and you know it! If anything Niall came to me for advice on how to confess his feelings towards you and I know you feel the same way." I exclaimed.

"Really?" She asked doubtful.

"Really." I confirmed with a smile.

Saying no more she ran out of the kitchen to find Niall, walking back into the living room I saw Zayn sitting on the couch texting someone rapidly with a frown on his face. Sitting next to I asked "What's wrong Zayn?"

Sighing while rubing one of his hand down his face he said "Don't get mad but my ex just suddenly decided to text me."

Keeping a straight face scaring Zayn a little I asked "Why?"

"She wants to get back together." he replied hesitantly.

"Is that what you want?" I asked scared of what was about to be said next.

"What! No! Throughout these months I've fallen in love with you Perrie. I love the way you laugh, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile and the way your eye's brighten when you're talking about something that you love. I'm in love with you Perrie and nothing is going to change that." Zayn quickly replied with a genuine smile.

As he said those three words I sat frozen do I love him? What kind of question is that of course I do! "I love you too Zayn." I responded with a loving smile.

Before I knew what was happening Zayn crashed his lips on mine, moving our lips in sync I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my belly and sparks going off. Needing to catch my breath I pulled apart and whispered into his chest "Please don't ever leave me."

"Never in a million years." He whispered back lightly pecking my lips.


And there you have it! Wasn't it just cute!? Well really do hope you enjoyed this chapter night everyone!

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