Chapter 23

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Perrie's POV

Letting Liam inside, I quickly closed the door and turned around and placed my hand on my hip, "What'd you need to tell me?"

Sitting on the living room couch he lets out a frustrated sigh, "Zayn didn't cheat on you."

"What do you mean he didn't cheat on me?" I asked confused. "I have proof that he did."

"Yeah, well I have proof that he didn't." He said, grabbing out his phone, swiping rapidly. "Here's my proof."

Grabbing his phone from him, I frowned confused when I saw the same picture that was sent to me only it was on someone's facebook account, "How'd you find this? Why are you showing me this?"

"I'll answer all your questions if you look at the date in the bottom left corner and tell me what it says." He asked, well more like demanded which surprised me a bit.

Looking at the date I gasped when it read: June 13, 2013 1:28 pm, "You're right he didn't cheat, but I don't understand why would someone want to make me think that he did?" I ask, looking up at him.

"To answer your first two questions, I found it on his ex's facebook account and I'm showing you this because you deserve to know the truth." He said, "As to why would someone want to make you think this is because that psychotic someone is jealous and is trying to do everything in their power to win Zayn back, starting with breaking you two up."

"Whose that someone?" I asked, wanting to know who's after him.

Avoiding contact with me, he mumbles, "Zayn's ex, Ashlyn Woods."

"Ashlyn Woods as in my all time enemy Ashlyn Woods?" I asked in disbelief.

As soon as those words fell out of my mouth his head snapped up so fast I swear he got whiplash, "Wait, you know her?"

I scoff in anger, "Of course I know her, she's my childhood neighbor. I absolutely hate her no, I loathe her." I continue, "Back in high school she tried to make my life miserable, stealing all of my potential boyfriends away from me, she stole all my so called friends from me, and she even tried to steal my parents affection, more than once. Now she's trying to steal Zayn away, great."

"That's terrible Perrie! I'm so sorry that happened to you." A feminine voice suddenly spoke before Liam could.

Looking to my left, I smiled a small smile when I saw the girls standing there with frowns on their faces, holding my arms out towards them they rushed to me and squeezed me into a group hug, Liam joining in as well.

All of them releasing me from the hug Liam says to me seriously, "Go to him, he needs you."

I was immediately saddened when I thought back to the last conversation we had, all those hurtful things he said to me, shaking my head I said, "I can't Liam, he may not have cheated but he did still hurt me, I just can't. Tell him I believe he didn't cheat but that I need time."

Sighing heavily, he nodded, "Will do, but are you sure?"

"Positive, and honestly I appreciate you coming here trying to fix things between us but that's Zayn and my job, I just need for Zayn to apologize to me himself and not send someone else to do it for him, I love him I really do but if this is how Zayn is going to apologize if we ever have fights then maybe he isn't the right guy for me after all." I said, a small tear sliding down my face.

Immediately Liam shook his head rapidly in protest, "No, no, no! Zayn doesn't even know that I'm here, honest! I just felt like you at least had the right to know the truth and don't say that about Zayn you and I both know he makes you happy, the happiest you've ever been. I see the way he looks at you, with so much love and adoration and you've only been together for so little time. Trust me when I say this, he loves you more than anything and that he didn't mean to hurt you."

Looking down in thought I shook my head, another tear sliding down my face, "If he truly loves me like you say he does then why are you here and not him?"

Looking back up, I wiped my tears and saw surprise flash in his eyes, "I...I don't know."

Letting out a humorless laugh I said sadly, "Exactly, now please leave, I need some alone time with the girls, I'll see you early tomorrow morning."

Him nodding sadly he walked towards the door and left without a word, looking towards the girls I saw them looking at me with pity, "Don't look at me like that, you know I hate when people pity me." I huffed.

"Sorry." They mumbled in unison.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you guys like that." I said, pulling them in for a hug.

"No need honey, we understand. You're going through a lot right now and now we're going on tour with said problem, we've got your back no matter what." Jesy said, while the other girls nodded in agreement.

"Girls day?" I asked hopefully.

"Girls day." They all squealed, making me smile a sincere smile something I haven't done in the last 24 hours.

Seeing as the girls were all sitting on the couch I joined and turned on the TV and saw it was on the celebrity gossip news channel, we scoffed and laughed at the silly made up rumors about us and random other celebrities that we knew personally.

But...there was one that made my breath hitch in disbelief and hurt and all at once the dam erupted.

Seems like Zayn is back together with Ashlyn as they were reported earlier today holding hands and laughing at something funny Zayn said. Looks like Zerrie is no more and Zashlyn is back. Stay tuned for more.

Those words shall forever be inked into my mind for as long as I live.


So...a very eventful chapter this one is! I'm so sorry about not updating! I just barely got a new computer and I promise I will updating as much as I can! I love you all and thank you to those who stayed.

Looks like Zayn has forgotten about little oh Perrie, poor girl. How dare he do that to Perrie!

But, is it because he never really loved her or is something else going on? Hmm...

Oh! And I was sad as much as you guys when I heard the news but never fear I will NOT stop writing in this book because of that. I believe things happen for a reason and I wish both Zayn and Perrie the best. They were legit goals and they always will be.

Anyways! Vote and Comment! ^-^

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