Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

Grabbing a bag of crisps, a chocolate bar and a bottled water I quickly payed and started my way back towards the tour bus.

As I was walking I couldn't help but think about Perrie and Zayn, I'm honestly extremely happy that they broke up but not the way that they did. He hurt her which is completely stupid in my opinion I mean who would hurt such a beautiful and wonderful girl like that?

Okay, let me go back a bit before I continue. I've had a crush on Perrie for 3 months and now it's my chance to ask her out and who knows maybe she'll say yes to me. What I do know is Zayn lost and I'm determined to win. I don't quite know when but I will, no, I shall ask Perrie Louise Edwards out!

So lost in my thoughts I didn't know I was being called till a pillow impacted with my face, looking up in anger I asked, "Oi! What was that bloody for?"

"For not listening to me you nitwit!" Louis huffed with his hand on his hip, "Now I'm going to ask you one more time, do you want to play COD with me?"

Thinking about it I shrugged and said, "Hmmm, why not? It'd be fun to kick your butt anyways."

With a dramatic gasp Louis put his hand over his heart and shouted, "In your dreams Hazza! You know I'm the one that always beats you not the other way around!"

Picking up a controller and starting up the Xbox I dragged out, "If you say so!"

"I know so!" He shouted opening up the game with determination.

Let the games begin.

~Two hours later~

"Ha! I win, in your face!" I shouted jumping up and down on the couch childishly sticking my tongue at him.

Crossing his arms he pouts, "Psh, I let you win."

Shaking my head I stopped jumping crossed my arms and said with a smirk, "Whatever helps you sleep at night Lou."

"Eleanor does thank you very much." Louis smirks.

"But I thought I did boobear." I pout jokingly.

In doing so Louis throws his head back in laughter, "Shut up Harry you know what I mean."

Finally containing myself I say, "But in all seriousness I didn't know you and Eleanor were already that close."

As I say these words a smile slips on Louis face, "Yeah, I really do love her."

"But?" I continue knowing there was more.

With an exasperated sigh he rubs his hand over his face, "But, I think I'm also in love with someone else."

"Wait, what? Who?" I asked surprised.

Louis would never let anything like this happen especially when it means hurting someone in the process.

"Her name is Danielle. I met her a couple months ago and she's just as beautiful and nice as Eleanor which doesn't really help my decision." He sighs frustrated.

"Well-" Before I could get out my sentence and give Louis most likely terrible advice I was interrupted by the lads coming into the room.

"Here they are!" Liam shouted, "Where on earth have you lot been?"

"We've been here the whole time you dingbat, goodness." Louis scoffed quickly putting on a fake smile.

"Hey, Harry are you okay?" Niall asks concerned.

Looking at him wide eyed Louis cuts in, "What do you mean? Of course he's okay, Haz would've told me otherwise. Right, Harry?"

Gathering my wandering thoughts I gulped and responded stiffly with a forced chuckle, "Right."

Giving Niall a pointed look I jerk my head towards the next room indicating him to follow me causing him to nod.

When we get to the room I close the door and look at him angrily, "Niall James Horan!"

"Ugh what? And did you have to use my full name?" He whines.

Rolling my eyes I quietly yell, "When I told you to keep my crush on Perrie a secret I meant it!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you meant to keep it from the lads as well especially Louis! You tell him everything!" Niall quietly yells back.

"I knew something was up!"

Quickly looking behind me I frown when I see a hurt look on Louis face.

"Why didn't you just tell me Haz? You know I would've understood given what I told you earlier and yet you still chose not to tell me, why?" Louis questions me with an angry glare.

Looking down in shame I mutter sadly, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to judge me."

"Harry Edward Styles! You know I would never judge you! You're my brother Haz just like the rest of the lads and us brothers stick together no matter what."

Scoffing I look up at him sadly, "But that's the point Louis! Zayn is one of our brothers and I feel like I'm letting him down with the way I feel about Perrie."

Looking at me sadly Louis shakes his head, "Harry, you could never let him down. He loves you just as much as he loves each and every one of us. Plus Zayn and Perrie broke up okay? They're a done deal so you having feelings for her is totally okay."

"He's right."

Looking behind Louis I stand in shock when I see Zayn standing there, "How much did you hear?"

"I heard enough to know that what Louis is saying is right. Go after her man, don't let her not even me get in your way." Zayn states with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

"But I thought you loved her." I say with a confused frown.

Walking towards me he pulls me into a hug and whispers to me, " I do, but because of that I have to set her free. I trust you Harry, now go after her."

Sighing in relief I smile and look at the rest of the lads determined, "Well it looks like I'm going to have to ask out Perrie lads."

With all the lads cheering I turn towards Zayn with a smile, "I promise I'll take care of her."

Chuckling with a raised brow, "You better or else you'll have to deal with me, okay? Great!"

Rolling my eyes with a chuckle I pick up the Xbox controller turn towards Louis with a smirk, "Rematch?"

"Oh you're so on!"


Well that happened. Sorry about my horrible updating skills but it's summer now and I'm more than happy to update this book every Monday until I decide to end it because believe me I will finish this book this summer.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed it because next Monday you're in for another chapter and yeah I didn't update this on Monday but shhh

Lets just say the next chapter will be in Zayn's POV ;)

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