Chapter 20

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Louis' POV

"Hey Eleanor." I greeted into the phone.

"Hey Louis, I was just wondering if I could come over, I left my jacket in the living room." She said well more like asked.

"Sure love! See you in a few."


Ahh Eleanor, where oh where do I start. Eleanor and I have been childhood friends since I can barely remember. We're eachothers rock I guess you could say, we've been there for eachother since the very begining, it seems as it was just yesterday that we met, making me chuckle a bit at the memory.


*July 4, 1996*

I was casually playing with wooden buliding blocks with my tongue hung out in concentration, ironically trying to build a castle when I heard a quiet voice ask shyly, "May I play with you?"

Looking up I saw a little girl at about 5 or 6 with curly brown hair and bright blue eyes wearing a white shirt with flowers on it and light pink overalls going over it with small white sneakers, with a smile I giggled and replied, "Sure!"

With a small smile forming on her lips she asked,"Really?"

Nodding my head I handed her a buliding block and said, "So we're buliding a castle because that's what I was buliding before, if that's alright with you."

"As long as I get to be the princess!" She giggled.

"Oooh! And I'll be superman!" I exclaimed.

"No silly it has to be something that has something to do with princesses!" She whined with a pout.

"Awh! Fine, how about I be the knight in shinning armor?" I asked curiously, not knowing at all what I had just asked to be.

"Perfect!" She exclaimed with a smile while throwing her arms up.

**End of flashback**

Ever since then we've been the best of friends and I couldn't ask for a better best friend, well besides Harry that is.

"I'm here Lou!" I heard El yell as she slammed the front door shut.

Walking towards the living room to say Hello as I came into view I saw a tall legged, long brown curly haired, blue eyed girl with skinny blue jeans on and a simple navy white striped shirt on with light brown low heeled boots on.

"Hey El." I said with a simple wave.

Before she could reply, we suddenly heard shouting. Looking at eachother with wide eyes we both followed the loud shouting which led us to Zayn's room. Putting my left ear against the door as Eleanor but her right ear against it we listened in.

From what I could hear he was talking to some girl on the phone quickly getting frustrated. But what made us mainly surprised was when he suddenly yelled "Our breaking up had nothing to do with Perrie! I broke up with you because you cheated on me multiple times and lied to my face about it each and every one of them every day!"

Turning my head towards El, she was looking at me wide eyed not wanting to fully believe what we had just heard. Taking our ears off the door we walked back towards the living room and stood in the middle, neither of us speaking yet.

"I can't believe she actually did that to Zayn." Eleanor said softly breaking the silence.

"Can't believe who did what to Zayn?" We suddenly heard Niall ask.

Snapping our head towards him we both gasped not noticing Niall casually standing there eating a sandwich waiting for our response.

Biting my lip I hesitated, yes I wanted to tell Ni but he can't keep a secret to save his life.

"Nothing Niall." I finally said.

"If you say so..." Niall replied squinting his eyes at us not fully believing what I had just told him.

Before he fully left the room, he stopped with his back facing us and said, "By the way Lou, your fly is down." then left.

Looking down I blushed bright red, zipped it up and mumbled sheepishly to Eleanor, "Sorry, didn't know."

Giggling she replied, "Its fine Lou, listen I got to go but it was good seeing you."

Walking her to the door I opened it for her to walk out, before I closed the door I waved and said, "Bye Eleanor."

Turning around I jumped and put my hand over my heart to see Harry standing there with arms crossed and a smirk, already knowing what he's thinking I threw my head back in frustration and groaned out, "We're just best friends, nothing more nothing less."

If anything his smirk got even wider, "I never even mentioned Eleanor."

Rolling my eyes I scoffed and said, "Whatever."

"Oh c'mon Lou, you know you like her!" Harry yelled with his annoying smirk still on his face.

Do I like Eleanor? I mean I've known her all my life, all the while witnessing her grow up into a beautiful independent sassy women. Crap, maybe I do like Eleanor.

"With that smile on your face I can tell that you just realised that you really do like her, looks like my work here is done!"

With that he left me in the room with mixed emotions.


Sorry guys, for this wasn't really about Zayn and Perrie but it gave you a little insight on what was happening on the other side of the door, man Zayn needs to be more quiet if he doesn't want anyone to know his secret. But you never know, with Louis and Eleanor knowing the truth it might just help Zayn win back Perrie, that is if she'll listen. (;

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