Chapter 8

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Dedicating this to perrieswaffles cause she's oh so awesome :)

Perrie's POV

"Wait!" Jesy yelled causing us to stop in our tracks and look at her questionably.

Rolling her eyes at us like we were some deranged animals she said in a duh voice, "We forgot to pick a seeker."

"Oooooh." We all stupidly say in unison.

Looking at everyone I yell, "Nosegoes!" Causing everyone to immediately do the same only for Liam to be the last person to touch his nose.

Sighing he says, "Dang it!"

Sensing his bad attitude like every other girlfriend does Sophia said "Don't worry babe, it's just a game." while pulling him into a hug.

Laughing Liam said "Thanks love, you always know how to make me happy." Pulling him out of the hug Sophia look at him with a glint in her eye and asked "Really? Even if I push you so we could get a 5 minute head start?" Before he could say anything else, she pushed hard yet sofly and we ran off.

Running towards a random room as soon as I shut the door I knew right away that it was Zayn's room and sighed out of frustration.

"What's wrong? You hate my room?" a voice asked behind me causing me to jump. Turning around I saw Zayn behind me with an amused smirk on his face.

"Pssh whaaat? Nooo!" I dragged out. Shaking his head he said "Whatever let's just hide." Silently agreeing I decided to hide in his closet while he hid sadly in his bathroom.

"Ready or not here I come!" Liam yelled.

Causing me to hold my breath praying he won't find me, I suck at being the seeker. How may you ask? Well whenever I'm the seeker I always end up giving up cause they hide oh so well when only they were hiding behind me the whole time!

As the door opened Liam said "I know your in here Perrie!" Causing my eyes to widen, he better not say anything embarressing especially about Zayn.

"Come out come out wherever you are!" He sing-songed rather creepily. Just as he was about to open the closet door a loud sound came from the bathroom causing Liam to change his tracks and walk towards there. Whew that was close!

"Alright! You can all come out now! I found Zayn!" Liam yelled while leaving the room with Zayn following right behind him. Causing everyone to come out of our hiding spots and find a different one.

This time I hid in Harry's closet, to be honest I should've done that before. His closet is literally as big as Narnia! As I was hiding I couldn't help but think about Zayn. I've come to a conclusion that he'll never like me and that I should just forget about this stupid little crush and move on. But then again I can't. Pathetic I know. Still deep in thought the closet doors suddenly opened causing me once again to hold my breath.

Silently as I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me I thought and hoped he wouldn't find me, but we don't always get what we want. I clearly need to learn my lesson when it comes to that saying.

"I found you." Zayn whispered into my neck causing shivers to run down my spine.


A.N. Looks like Zayn found her! Will Zayn ever feel the same way Perrie feels about him? Or when Perrie finally decides to give up on and start dating again, will problems arise between them? Only time will tell! xD

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