𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆

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I Lieddddd😭I Gotta Stop Lying To Yall Anywhooo Back To The Book😘

𝑨𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆 "𝑴𝒆𝒊𝒍𝒂" 𝑾𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆

"On bro he stupid as fuck like I don't even understand." Milly said as he sat in my living room smoking a blunt.

I know what y'all thinking why is his best friend sitting here dissing him with me. But one thing I can say about Milly is he's a character but he was never one to believe in all that lying shit and allat .

"It don't even be entirely all the shit that he do but it be the principle behind it cause like nigga yeen gotta lie to me, I'm nobody to lie to I'm not important Fr don't get me I'm that bitch but ian the bitch you gotta lie to." I got up from my couch and headed to my kitchen.

Focusing on me and my kids was the new goal. I'm 20 years old, I have a two year old and a soon to be new born. They don't need shit from me but to be my best self.

Speaking of my kids I was baby free this weekend besides of course lil miss mamas baking in the oven. Kayl has made it a point to get Meir so that him and the twins can be close. And honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Aye MeiMei I'm Boutta dip I got some shit to handle, keep my niece fed and hydrated it's hotter than tiger pussy outcheaa." I just laughed at him as he walked out the door.

Since I pretty much have a boring life now I decided to lay across my bed and FaceTime Kaison. His bitchass answered on the third ring.

"What bitch what."

"Excuse the fuck out of me hoe. What you doing why Yeen answer on the first ring?" I pouted.

"Bitch I'm trynna get you Louis V diaper bag for yo baby shower now if you'd excuse me I got about 20 more gawk gawks left in me." Then he hung up.

All my friends been having sex then there's me... sex keep getting me in fucked up situations.


Since I had nothing else to do I went over to my dads house since I hadn't seen him in a while. And yes my momma and daddy still not together and she ain't wrong.

"Hey Meila." My daddy said as soon as he opened the door.

"Wassup bald head." I waltz my way in ad plopped on his couch.

"Youn never come over here... what you want?"

"I can't just stop by?"

"Now Meila... you know you better than anybody." He was right but damn dude.

"I ain't want nothing but if you don't want me here then I can just go home." I hate pregnancy. Pregnancy makes me a soft ass bitch. Before the babies, before Jahlil before all this shit I was literally that bitch. Ian care about nothing and nobody, couldn't nobody tell me shit.

"I know you not crying."

"I actually am but it's okay Ima just go nobody wants me anyways sooooo." I started to stand up.

"Meils... this isn't about that boy is it?"

"Why everybody always think something about him? I'm pregnant for the second time nobody ever just asks me am I okay... or if this pregnancy is different from the last one... because it definitely is." I cried even harder because it all started to hit me.

While pregnant with Jameir , although barely together Jahlil was still there. But this time it's different. I'm depressed.

Everyone always talks about postpartum depression and never about pre-partum depression. I have days where I literally don't wanna get out of bed, days where I wanna starve myself... but I can't.

"Oh baby." My daddy pulled me into a hug and just rocked me back and forth. I wasn't looking for a pity party or anyone's sympathy but it's like damn I sigh too hard around somebody and they automatically think it's about Jahlil.

I made it home hours ago and I've been in bed since. Tv off. Lights off. Phone off. Everything off except my brain. I keep thinking about everything. Like what if I never woulda told Kaison spend the block that night? What if I never woulda engaged in a conversation? What if my momma noodle neck ass just packed up up and moved somewhere like Iowa or Michigan. I mean I probably woulda hated it cause I wouldn't have known nobody but still.

I just laid there looking at the ceiling on some Rod Wave shit... I hated the shit I went through but was loving the woman I'm becoming.

I started to doze off until I heard footsteps.

I frantically searched around my room for the little flashlight so I wouldn't have too much light coming from my room I found it and once I did I began looking in my nightstand for my gun.

I took that Mf off safety and walked down the hall to the living room. Nothing. I hear noise again so I go in the kitchen only to see Davion standing there with a knife.

"Get out my house."

"Now baby why would I do that?"

"Davion I'm not playing get the fuck out."

"Nah see cause you was playing with me like I'm a goofy. And I'm not the one."

"I didn't play with you like you were a goofy I know you're a goofy and that's why I played with you, you wasn't shit but a Sucka and honestly a good eater. I kept you around for when my baby daddy was acting like a bitch."

I must of really made this nigga blood boil with that one. He threw something off my counter at me and charged me.

He knocked the gun from my hand and tried to cut me, I moved fast enough though so he missed. I punched him dead in his mouth and this nigga laughed. I guess this Mf said he eat those for breakfast or something.

He hit me back now we exchanging hits and the whole time I'm just praying this niggas don't hit me in my stomach don't get me wrong I'm kinda big but not that big so maybe just maybe he ain't peep.

I was wrong that nigga slick tripped me now I'm literally on my ass trynna get up then he kicks me in the stomach. I've never gasped for air so bad before in my life.

I instantly grab my stomach as I see him winding up for another one. I began to ball up cause it the only way to protect my baby.

He's sending blow after blow, punch after punch. I've been called a stupid trifling bitch and everything else. Tears start running down my face as I open my eyes and that's when I see my gun... I slowly start crawling for it and just when I grab it he pulls me back.

I rollover just enough to kick him away when he came to tower over me I sent six shots into his chest and rolled so his body wouldn't drop on mines.

I crawled to my bedroom turning my phone on and calling the one person I knew could who would tell me what to do next.

Jahlil arrived in no time but I couldn't move from my bedroom floor the lights were still off. I physically couldn't let Jahlil in but I knew it was no problem seeing that he had kicked the door in.

He rushed to my room and turned the lights on only to see me. Tear stained cheeks, bruised and battered and slowly giving up.

"Meila." He spoke softly in attempt to stand me up. When he did that's when he noticed that I was bleeding.

"How long you been sitting in blood? He hit you in yo stomach?"

Truthfully I didn't know how long I was bleeding, couldn't have been that long though I didn't feel it until he stood me up. I went to answer but everything went black.

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