Chapter Four (feelings blooming)

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Zayn. Uh dua

Harry. What do I do, what if she doesn't like me, I doubt she does but still

Zayn. Dude just calm down

Harry. Calm down you dont know how I feel right now

Zayn. I do I like someone to

Harry. You do

Louis. Really wow

Zayn. Yes I like bell

Louis. Oh grate two of my bestfriend like my sisters

Zayn. Really your going to be that dramatic

Louis. Yep

Harry. Look lou I will never date her,

Louis. You better not I dont want my sister dating any of you guys

Harry. Its probably just going to pass but right now I need to get through it

Zayn. Anyways I can help, just dont try to avoid her just be there for her like you are now

Harry. So just her friend

Zayn. Ya

Harry. What do you think I have always been

Zayn. Well be her close friend

Harry. Ok, I do believe we are

Zayn. Well just continue being that

Harry. Ok thanks for that, you do a grate job

Zayn. I know

A few hours later

Louis. Guys you all ready the carnival starts soon

Bell. Well we better go get Eve

Harry. I got it

Bell. Ok

Harry runs upstairs to Eves room

Harry. Eve get up we are leaving soon, Eve were are you

Harry feels a tap on his shoulder, he jumps

Eve. Your very jumpy

Harry. I am

Eve. Ya, so you ready

Harry. Ya

They head downstairs

Louis. Ok now that everyone is down or ready let get in the cars we're taking mine and Liams

They all get in their cars and head to the carnival

At the carnival

Naill. Its feel like we haven't been her in forever

Liam. That's because we haven't

Louis. Ok what are we standing around for

They all go and play the games

Harry. Hey Eve

Eve. Ya

Harry. Race you to the Faris wheel

Eve. Your on

Eve and Harry run to the faris wheel, Harry gets there first

Harry. Oh ya I win

Eve. Oh shut up ( she says shoving Harry softly)

They both laugh

A few hours later

Harry. Ok but you did terrible on the test your strength

Eve. Oh ok, you did horrible on the ring bottle game

Harry. Ok that's not fair you know I cant aim

Eve. Ya I know

They continue walking around and talking

Eve. Harry

Harry. Ya

Eve. What's that on your face

Harry. What theres nothing on my face

Eve. Ya there is

Harry. Where

Eve. Right her

Eve shoves her icecream cone in his face

Harry. Oh I see

Eve. Oh no

Eve runs but Harry chances her, Harry graps on to Eve

Harry. Your just to slow

Eve. Ya but at lest I'm not covered in icecream

Harry. Haha very funny

They look at each other

Harry. What

Eve. Nothing, Just the icecream on your face

Harry. Oh

They smile at each other

Eve. Well shell we go one one last ride before we all have to leave

Harry. Ya

Eve. How about the roller coaster

Harry. Ya let's do it, just dont get two scared

Eve. Please I won't

After the ride

Harry. You said you wouldn't get scared

Eve. I didn't

Harry. Me and my hand could say different

Eve. Oh shut up it's been a while since I was on one

Harry. Ya ya, well we better go find the others

Eve. Ya

With the other

Liam. This was a pretty good night

Naill. I enjoy my self

Bell. Eve, Harry what about you

Eve. Ya I had fun

Harry. It was grate I got to hang out with my friends and my bestfriend

Louis Looks at Eve and Harry

Louis. Well we better get heading back

They all head back to Louis house

Louis. Well boys thanks for coming

Zayn. No problem we will be back tomorrow

Louis. Ya I will be here

Eve. Bye guys

Harry. Bye

The boys leave

Eve goes to her room

Eve. Stella tonight was a good night, oh and here's your dinner

Eve sits on her bed and hears a knock on her door

Eve. Come in

The door opens and Bell walks in

Eve. Hey Bell

Bell. Eve we need to talk

Eve. Ok about what

Bell. You and Harry

Eve. What about us

Bell. I know you like him

Eve. What

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now