chapter eight ( Mom alert)

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Ps. Everything in this chapter is not true no hate to Harry's mom we love her she is a grate person. This I'd just for the story.

Harry. Morning beautiful

Eve. Morning

Harry. So we do need to see the boys  to day so I am going to drop you off but you will go in 30 minutes before me

Eve. Sounds like a plan

Harry. You sleep good

Eve. No not really

Harry. I bet I dont think I am that comfortable

Eve. Your defently not

Eve gets up and goes over to Harry and hugs him

Harry. Your happy today

Eve. Because your here

Harry. That's sweet 

Eve. I know, can I use  your bathroom I need to take a shower

Harry. Ya go for it

Eve. Thanks

Harry here's a knock on the door

Harry. Coming

Harry opens the door

Harry. Mom

H mom. Hey honey

Harry. What are you doing here

H mom. I came to see you now let me in

Harry. No mom

Harry's mom pushes him out of the door way

H mom. What is this your house is a mess

Harry. Mom its not a good day

H mom.  Why do I hear the shower going

Harry. What theres no shower going

Eve. Hey Harry whose here ( she says walking out on just a towel)

H mom. A girl please tell me you have not been fooling around with this

Harry. No

Eve. That was rude but it's nice to meet you, I am Eve Tomlinson

H mom. Oh really a Tomlinson, come on Harry

Harry. Mom does it matter if I kiss her or not look I like her

H mom. You dont want to get her pregnant

Harry. I won't

H mom. That's what Louis said  to Gemma

Harry. What Louis is the one who got Gemma pregnant

H mom. Ya and that could happen to you do you want that to happen

Harry. I am not sure but I love Eve

H mom. I dont care were not haveing another Tomlinson

Eve. Miam I  am not like my brother  I promise

H mom. Please all Tomlinson are the same, I bet your brother told you about his kid

Eve. No he didn't

H mom. Look I dont want my boy to fool around with you

Eve. I am not like my brother

Harry.  You cant tell me who I can be with  or cant

H mom. I am your mom and I will

Harry.  You cant because  I love her, and you know what were dating and have been for almost 2 weeks

Harry looks at Eve like he was going to tell her something he will regret

Eve shakes her head

Harry. And you know what mom I have already kissed  her and not just a ordinary kiss We had s3x

H mom. What Harry how could you

Harry. Because I love her and you cant stop that

H mom.  Harry I love you more you think some Tomlinson will love you forever and not leave you

Harry. I don't think she would ever

Eve. I love Harry

H mom.  Really a Tomlinson love

Eve. We can

H. Mom. Ok what ever you wanna say

Harry.  Leave her alone, I think its time you leave mom

H mom. No I think its time your girl  friend  leaves

Harry. What do you mean

H mom. I brought your cousin

Harry. What

Harry's cousin graps Eve

Eve. Put me down

Harry. Mom

H mom. Drop her off a her home

Eve. Stop it stop  it

Harry. Mom fine look if you want me not to see a Tomlinson  i wont just put her down

They put her down

Eve runs over to Harry

Harry. I just need to talk to Eve

H mom. Fine

Harry bring Eve to his room

Harry. Look my mom is leaving tonight so we cant hang throw out the day but meet me at my house at 11 she will be gone by them

Eve. Ok love you

Eve and Harry kiss

Harry. Now get dressed

Eve. Ya good idea

Harry leaves the room

Harry. She is get dressed then she will leave

Eve. bye Harry love you

They hug

Harry. Bye

Eve leaves the house

H mom. It's for the best

Harry. No it's not help your self to anything

Harry walks into his room and stays  there for the rest of the night till his mom leaves

Harry opens his window

Harry. Come in

Eve comes inside

They hug

Harry. Promise no more mom for now

Eve ok

Eve and Harry just do there own thing

At zayns

Bell. Zayn someone's at your door

Zayn. Ok I will get it

He opens the door

Zayn. Mom what are you doing here

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