chapter 26 ( happy anniversary gone wrong kind of )

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The next morning at 5 am

Eve is up makeing breakfast for her and Harry 4 month anniversary

Harry. What you doing

Eve. Oh I was going to suprises you, but  sence your up and asked, I'm makeing you a 4 month anniversary breakfast

Harry. Oh well this is sweet

Eve. I know

Harry walks behind eve and wrapping is arms around her

Eve. What are you doing

Harry. Oh nothing just amiring my beautiful girlfriend this morning

Eve. You want something what is it

Harry. What I dont want anything I cant just Amir my hot girlfriend

Eve. Mhmh

Harry. Oh come on why dont you believe me

Eve. Because I know how you act and this is not it, you only act like this unless... oh harry your not

Harry. I think I am

Eve. Well I need to cook this

Harry. Oh come on

Eve. No

Harry.  Please come on it is  are 4 month anniversary

Eve. You have a point but not now

Harry. I bet I can make you

Eve. I bet not

Harry. Ok wach me

Harry looks into eves eyes and gives her a look that says I love you

Eve. No it's not going to work

He keeps looking at  her

Eve. I hate you

Harry. But I love you

Eve rolls her eyes

Harry takes off his shirt

Eve. Harry no

Harry picks eve up and starts to bring her to the couch then puts her on the floor then she moves to other other side of harry so that hes standing right by the couch

Eve. You want this

Harry. Ya

Eve. Ok

she pushes him so he  falls on  the couch then they kiss  but then it turns into more

Eve. Wait you dont think anyone will walk in on us again do you

Harry. No it's my house

Eve. Oh ok

They go back to it

With bell and zayn

Bell. Thank you so much mom and Harry's mom I'm glad you have finally  thought about harry and eve

H. Mom. Ya no problem I guess

L. Mom. Well you did say we should see how close and happy they are

Bell. I did didn't I

Zayn. Well let's head to harrys and sneak in and set this up then when they wake up we will surprise them I can't wait to see there reaction the cute video you showed us  of them and I hate to  say it but they definitely love each other and I'm glad they are together

A few minutes later they arrive at eve and Harry's front door

Louis. Ok be quite

They nod

Bell opened the door

And then turns on the light, then sees eve and harry on the couch

Louis covers sunset eyes

Both moms. OH MY GOSH

Eve and harry. Mom

They take a blanket and cover up what is going on here, you know what dont answer that  you told us that they haven't done this since the time they were drunk

Bell. I did, ya I did

Eve. Ummm... harry what do we do( she whispers to him)

Harry. I dont know ( he whispers back )

H mom. I cant believe this I will never un see this my own son I can't even say it

L. Mom. Ya my daughter this is umm.... I have no words Louis is this how you felt

Louis. Yes but worse

Eve. Were sorry you had to see this

Harry. But in are defense you did walk in like you owned the place

L. Mom. He has a point

H. Mom. But it was bells idea

Bell. What it was zayns

L. Mom. I take back what I said your not even married and even if you do want to get married your to young  I can second that

Eve. Whao ok what about Louis him and gemma weren't married when they had Sunset

Sunset. Dad I heard my name  what's going on

Louis. Nothing dear

Harry. And at  lest we arnt 18 and doing it like Louis and besides were adults and we dont need your permission to do what we wont harry...

Harry. No mom look if you can't handle me growing up I don't think you cant  handle anything, and I'm the boss of myself and I'm under my roof now so I make my rules but I don't want to loss my baby boy to some girl

Harry. If this hole forbidden to be together is about losing any of your kids it's not going to happen

H. Mom. Are you positive

Harry. Yes oh well how can I stay mad I guess I cant either you have a good sweet son and I'm happy my daughter is with him oh thank you, and I'm happy my son is with your daughter who seems to love him vary much

Louis. Ok enough love, my arm is getting tired from covering sunset eyes so harry eve do you mind

Eve. Right be back

They go to there separate room and get Dressed

Eve. Ok well sorry for all that but I made breakfast who's hungry

All Of them. Me

Harry. Hey eve I think we made it so we can be together

Eve. Ya who new this was the just because they didn't want to lose us

Harry. I know so lame

Eve. For real

They all eat  but then someone knocks on the door

Eve. I'll get it

She opens the door to see a older looks vary wealthy man  with a hat on that looks to be covering his face

The man. Is Eve Tomlinson here

Eve. Umm... ya that's me

The man. I have heard much about you

He takes off the hat

Eve. No way

Harry. What Is it

Harry comes walking over to the door

The man. Hey Harry nice actually seeing you in person  again

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