chapter 31( BIG surprise)

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Note. For the song you can play it before or after the part but I do recommend if you can to play it at the same time of a different device

Harry. Ok so you will be there tomorrow night, ok perfect well see you tomorrow

Harry. Bye

Eve. See who tomorrow

Harry. Oh no one I was just on call with... Simon

Eve. Oh about the concert

Harry. Yep, well we better head to bed and you better head back to sleep we have a big day tomorrow

Eve. Umm... ok

The next day

Naill. Everyone get up its concert day

He says has he walks into eve and Harry's room in the hotel room

Eve. What happens if I wanna kill him

Harry. I dont know

Eve. Well I think I going to kill him

Harry. You do that

Naill walks out fast

A few minutes later everyone is up

Naill. Ok look Simon called and wants to us to meet him at the stage

Louis. Ok then let's go we cant be late

They head to the stage

Simon. Ok this is were you guys will perform

Zayn. Nice big stage to fit all of us

Naill. I think this will be a good first concert

Zayn. Definitely

They all sit and talk then head to lunch

After lunch they go back stage and get ready for the concert

Eve. Wait why do i have to look this fancy

Harry. Well because everyone dress fancy

Eve. I guess your right

That night at 8 the boys head on stage

Liam. Hi Miami how you guys doing tonight

They all cheer

Liam. Were back on tour and your are first concert

Louis. And we want to make this a special concert so for the first time ever you guys can have a chance to win a free signed album but all of them so go and enter and we will tell you at tomorrow's concert

The fans cheer

Zayn. Now let's start this concert

They put on a performance

Harry. We wanna thank everyone for coming tonight but before we end this I have a special guest can we welcome to the stage Bruno Mars

Everyone cheers as Bruno walks out from back stage

Harry. Hey

Bruno. Hey harry but I need to ask is there a Eve Tomlinson out there in the crowd

Harry points to the VIP

Bruno. Hey Eve can you come up here please

Eve walks up on stage

Eve. Hey

Harry. Hey so I want to you guys to meet Eve Tomlinson my girlfriend but sister of my best mate Louis

Eve. Your enbarsing me

Bruno. Well we have something to do for you

Eve. Like what

Bruno starts singing just the way you are

( play off a different device or play it before you continue to read if you want)

Harry walks out on stage after going back stage

Eve looks at harry

Harry. Eve I wanna ask you something , you have made me happy for these past couple of months and it has almost been a year and I wanna tell you how I feel every day but theres no other way to but this

Harry gets down on one knee

The crowd cheers

Harry. Eve marie Tomlinson will you make me the happiest boy band member and marry me

Eve. Harry are you serious

Harry nods

Eve. Yes I will marry you

He puts the ring on her finger and gets up and then kiss, then hug

The crowd cheers

Eve. Wait I have something to

Eve takes the microphone

Eve. Harry your going to be a dad

Harry. What

Eve. I'm pregnant

Harry. Really

Eve nods

Eve. I'm 2 weeks

Harrys pick up eve and kiss her

Harry. I'm going to be a dad

The crowd cheers

Bruno. Congrats both of you

Eve. Thank you

Louis. I'm so happy

Bruno. Oh and zayn congrats on your kids and soon to be wife

Zayn. Thanks

Liam. Thank you everyone for coming

Back at the hotel the next day

Naill. Hey to celebrate harry and eve why dont we go to the pool

Harry. Yes that seem fun

Eve. What are we waiting for

They get ready and head to the pool

At the pool, liam, naill, and harry are in the pool and eve has her feet in the pool but harry comes over and picks her up so now he is holding her well in the water

Zayn is standing by the edge debating if he should go in or not

Louis looks at Naill, liam, harry and eve and then point at zayn, naill, liam, harry and eve all shake there heads

Louis pushes zayn in the water

Zayn. Whao

Zayn falls in but doesn't come up for a few seconds

Bell. Zayn

Bell jumps in then when bell it's the water he comes up

Zayn. Welcome in bell

Him and Louis laugh

Bell. Was this a set up to get me in

Zayn. No not Louis pushing me

Louis. What it was more fun

Zayn splashe water up at Louis who is getting ready to hop in

After a few minutes they all get out

Eve. This was fun and I'm glad to be spending it with my friends, family, and my fiance

Harry. Same here

Bell. Ugh I can't hold it in anymore, eve there's something I need to tell you

Eve. About what

Bell. The party for me and zayn

Eve. What about it

Bell. Harry he umm...

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