Chapter 19 ( sunset is sick)

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Louis Runs upstairs and the others follow

Louis. Sunset are ok sweetheart

Sunset. Dad I  don't feel good

Louis. It's ok, how long have you felt this sick

Sunset. For this meany weeks

She holds up  number 2

Eve. Louis that's not good, you need to take her to the hospital

Louis. Good idea, come on sweetie

Louis Picks up sunset and heads down stairs Louis is she ok

Louis stops

Louis. Just because she is not feeling good, dont start try to care

Louis continues walking  and goes to the car

At the hospital

Doctor.  Back again

Louis. Yes umm... my daughter is not feeling good and she hasn't been for 2 weeks

Doctor. That's not good, we will take her in

Louis. Thank you

Louis sits in the waiting room

Eve. Hey were here harry wanted to come sense it is his niece

Louis. That's fine

Eve. Ok

3 hours later

Harry. It's been like 3 hours

Louis. I know I'm freaking out

Harry. Same here man, if this is what it could be like to be a father. I dont know if I could handle it

Louis. I know I cant even handle it

Harry. Let's just hope she will be fine

Doctor.  Ok so we have good new and bad, so good news is your daughter will be ok

Louis. That's a relief

Doctor. Bad news is well.... she has cancer

Louis. What I didn't know about this

Doctor. Well your daughter said she didn't want to tell anyone and she said her mom knew nothing about this

Louis.  Oh

Doctor. So we need to put her on kemo

Louis. Ok

Doctor. We will let her go home but if it gets worse she will have to came back her and then we will have to take her to a hospital for cancer

Louis. Yes I understand

Doctor.  Ok well here she is, but she does need to take it easy nothing to tire her out

Louis. Ok thank you

Doctor. Anytime

Back at Louis

Louis. I will be back down I need to put her in her room so she can rest

Harry. Yep

Louis. Back, I am just so tense I'm worried what if the kemo doesn't work and I lose her

Harry. Dont think like that, she has  Styles and Tomlinson blood in her, wich means shes a strong kid

Louis. I guess your right, harry

Harry. Ya Louis

Louis. If you have a kid one day dont take it frogranted and spend has much time with her or him as you can because one day you never know what could happen

Harry. Thanks lou I will make sure not to waste any time

Louis. Good, and hey I can see you have been good to eve

Harry. What do you mean

Louis. That you have never done anything to hurt her like Ross did

Harry. Oh

Louis. And I appreciate

Harry. Thanks

Louis. Yep well I better tell them no primer tonight because  of sunset

Harry. Good idea  Louis

Zayn. I think hes growing on you. At least he didn't hate me as much as he did you when he found out I was dating his sister

Harry. Ya I guess, and he never hated me

Zayn. Ok what ever you say

With bell and eve

Eve. Do you think sunset will be ok

Bell. Ya but why did we go shopping

Eve. To help with the stress

Bell. Oh

Eve. Well we better meet the boys at Louis

They start walking

Cole. Hey ladies

Eve. Hi who are you

Cole. I'm cole and you are

Eve.  taken

Dylan. Well what about you

Bell. Also taken

Bell and eve start walking,but they get in front of them

Eve. Your in are way

Cole. Look we need your name

Eve. Fine its Eve Tomlinson, does that answer your question

Cole. Yes it does

The girls walk off but the boys grap them from behind

Cole goes on his phone and makes a call

Cole. Hey R we got Eve and her sister we want no witness

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