chapter 52 ( caught you)

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The next morning

Eve. Why does my phone keep going off

She looks at her phone

Eve. What, grate more to warry about

Eve gets out of bed and checks on fay who is still asleep she goes to the kitchen to make a bottle

Eve. Weres the bottle

Joe. Looking for this

Eve. What, how did you get in here

Joe. The back door

Eve. It was locked

Joe. Ya the glass really hurts

Eve. You broke the glass

Joe. Yes

Eve. What do you want

Joe. For you to leave harry and be with nick you know your mom doesn't want you to together

Eve. I will never date nick, I'm with harry

Joe. We know

Joe lifts his arm up and shoots eve dukes

Eve. Are you crazy

Joe. Well to be honest yes

Harry here's the noises and runs out

Harry. Eve

Eve. Harry, get down

Joe shots

Harry. Why is he shooting darts

Eve. I don't know but there possibly sleeping darts

Harry. Possibly

Eve. Yes, but only one way to find out

Harry. Dont go out there

Eve. I'm not

She picks one off from the cabinet

Harry. What you doing with that

Eve. This

She throws the dart so it hits one of the people wearing a all black suit

Harry. Nice

They hear crying

Eve. Fay

They run to fays room

Eve. Fay

Joe. Look shes fine and cute

Eve. Get away from her

Joe. Hey look your good parents unless you gave left a kid somewhere

Eve says nothing

Joe. You have

Eve. Well.... ya but not on perpus I got drunk

Joe. You did wow

Eve. Only because someone started spreading rumors about bell and zayn

Joe. Wow interesting

Eve. And I know it was part of your hole plan who are you working for

Jay. Hes not working for me hes just helping

Eve. Mom

Jay. Suprises, look I'm not going to do anything, I just wanted to hear you confesses, I heard everything I need to hear you cant take being a mom serious

Eve. I'm a first time mom we all mess up what is your problem

Jay. Enough

Eve. No why cant to tell me we can talk about this instead of you doing all of this

Jay. Fine I dont want you to mess up happy

Eve. Yes and if I do I do so deal with it

Harry looks at eve

Eve nods

Eve. Well I will walk you guys out for the fun of it

Eve and harry walk out with Jay and joe

Jay. The cops

Eve. Thanks mom for coming out and confessing

Jay. Are you serious I'm your mother you do what I say

Cop. Actually she is old enough if you ask me

Jay. Oh whatever take me to jail

The cops leave

Harry. So now no more being watched

Eve. And mom

Harry. That two

Harry. You know what we can do

Eve. What

Harry. Go out for breakfast

Eve. Seems fun

They get dressed and head out

Harry. Ladies first

Eve. So you

Harry. Haha funny

Eve. Harry

Harry. Ya

Eve. Fay

Harry. Right

He runs inside to grap fay

Harry. Not this time

At bells

Zayn. Hey bell do you think this hoodie make me look fat

He says as he opens the door

Zayn. Bell

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