chapter 43 ( Simon trouble)

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Eve. Simon

Zayn. What are you doing here

Simon. To tell you guys that you have one last concert here but its because we start a few days early we were supposed to be here yesterday so lucky for New York you have one last concert here then off to Wisconsin

Harry. Well that interesting news

Liam. Oh no

Liam runs to the bathroom

Simon. Whoa Is  liam ok

Zayn. Ya hes fine

Louis  runs after liam

Troy. Wow Liam, Louis  that baby's going to be the death of you two

Simon. Baby

Louis Looks at his dad

Simon. Ok what is going on here liam your pregnant and the father is Louis

Liam. Umm.... yea sir

Simon. I don't know what to say

Troy. That was my reaction

Simon. Who is this

Louis. My father

Simon. And when did you find out about this

Troy. Not to long before you did

Simon. And you accept this

Troy. Yes

Simon. Oh

Louis. Look simon we were going to tell you but we were waiting for the right Time

Simon. I see, well look I cant tell you, you can't keep it because its not my place, but I don't know how this will go down with the fans

Louis. It should be fine I mean eve and harry told there fans on stage

Simon. Ya, but how do I put this there not, I can't explain it

Eve. Louis  he trying to say that the way the fans reacted with is different with you because you and liam you know you know

Louis. Ya but most fans will be ok with it and still love us

Simon. True, look you guys can tell the fans when ever you want

Louis. Thanks Simon for taking  this so easily

Simon. Yep

The next day  before the concert

Liam. So you guys going to the party after the concert

Eve. Ya, but I can't drink

Liam. Same

Harry. I think the party will be fun

Zayn. Oh ya after a concert we need that

Louis. Well we better head to the concert

At the concert

Liam. Louis  are we actually doing this here

Louis. Yep

On stage

Louis. Hey guys look this Is hard to say but I love every single one of you but I have something to say

Liam walks over

Louis. Me and liam are dating and have a baby on it's way

The fans cheer

Louis. Told you it would be ok

Liam. Ya

Louis. Now let's put on a show

The crowd cheers

They perform

Back at the hotel getting ready

Eve. Harry can you help me tie my dress

Harry. Yep

( eves dress)

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( eves dress)

Eve. Thanks

With bell

Bell. Zayn what color should I wear

Zayn. Umm yellow it will look grate on you

Bell. Ok

After everyone is ready they head out

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After everyone is ready they head out

At the party

Harry. Well here we are

They head to a table

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