chapter 29 ( it is happening)

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3 months later the boys are all getting there stuff ready for tour and eve and bell are getting  ready to  so that when the leave to go they can just grap there stuff and head out

Harry. You got some stuff in there so you dont have to warry about not having it all pack for when we head  out in December

Eve. Ya

Harry. Ok perfect

Harry.  Oh also the boys and I talked and we wanted to do something fun for it almost being close  the last day of summer

Eve. Oh seems fun what are we going to be doing

At the  fun event

Eve. Camping

Harry. Yep

Naill. Wow you actually got her to come

Harry. Yep

Eve. I hate you boys

Liam. Glad you do

Harry. Come on let's go to the swimming arena

Harry graps eves arm

Eve. Harry

Harry brings her to the swimming arena

Eve. Harry I dont have my swim suit on

Harry. Your fine, look I have just normal pants on and a t- shirt

Eve. So its different for you boys you can take your shit of in swim

Harry. What know

Zayn. Hey harry take your shit off and get in

Eve. See

Harry. Oh who care just hope in

Eve. Fine

Eve Jumps in

Harry. That's what I'm talking about

Harry Jumps in

After they go swimming for like 4 hour they head back to the site and sit by the fire

Zayn. Now this is romantic

Bell. Only because your here

Zayn. See she is the best

Harry. You cold

Eve. Umm... kind of

Harry. Here take my sweater

Eve. Thanks

Eve puts Harry's sweater  after she puts the sweater on she sits back down next harry and has one leg up and  one on the ground and  her head on Harry's side  and he has his arm wrapped around  her

Eve. You know what this is kind of nice

Harry. Ya

Louis. Oh ya but when he takes you, you love it

Harry. Well what can I say I just have that gift

Louis scufes

The next day

Eve. You know that camping trip was that bad

Zayn. It was fun, well I better head I see you guys later tonight for moive night

Harry. Yep

They all pack up and leave

At zayns

Eve. Were here  and we did bring  popcorn

Zayn. Perfect

As they get ready to wach the move bell stats freaking out

Bell. Zayn I think it's time

Zayn. What no its probably just a false

Eve. I don't think it

Bell. Zayn this time my water broke

Zayn. Shit, harry wach my house dont tuch anything, oh call my mom and Jay

Harry. You got it

Zayn leaves and makes it to the hospital in time

A few minutes later

Doctor. Good thing you came in time

Zayn. Ya

Harry and eve arrive

Eve. Were here are my niece and nephew born

Doctor. Ya right this way

Eve. Perfect

They go into the room

Harry. Zayn if I were you I better hold your kids before eve doesn't give them back to you

Zayn. Right

Zayn  Walks over and bell hands him both of them

Zayn. Aww look at him he looks like me

Bell. His name is Presley Greg malik

Zayn. I love that name

Bell. You wanna pick out your daughters

Zayn. Ya how about Iris bethany  Mailik

Bell. I think it sites her

Zayn. Same here

Harry. Aww, so wich one is older

Bell. Presley

Eve. That mean possible over protective brother

Bell. I can see that zayn and him

Eve. Yep, let's just hope not as over protective as Louis

Zayn. Wait were is Louis

Louis come running in

Louis. Hey sorry sunset would not listen to me when I told her she is going to liams for a few

Eve. Oh why Liam

Louis. You really think I can trust Naill

Eve. Good point

Louis. Awww, there perfect, can I hold them

Zayn. Sure dude

Louis. Thanks

Louis hold both Iris and Presley

Harry. Congrats guys I'm happy for you

Bell. Thanks harry

Zayn. Thanks dude

They all wach zayn  and bell who are holding there kids

Louis. This is way to sweet

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon