Chapter 50( bad parents)

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The next day

Harry. What a night better check on fay

Harry goes to fays room but sees shes not there

Harry. Fay, oh fuck

Harry. Eve, eve wake up

Eve. 5 more minutes

Harry. Eve

Eve. What

Harry. We left fay at gemmas

Eve. What how did we forget

Harry. Well you got drunk then I brought you home wint to get you water then

Harry looks at the room

Eve. I got drink then this happened

Harry. Yep

Eve. Well call gemma

Harry. Right

Eve. Also put a shirt on

Harry. Will do

Harry calls gemma then puts on a shirt

Eve. So what she say

Harry. That fay is fine and she understands why we forgot to pick her up

Eve. You didn't tell her about this

Harry. What no

Eve. Ok good, well give me a minute then we can go pick up fay

Harry. Ok

A few minutes later

Eve. Ok let's go

They drive to gemmas

At gemmas

Eve. Oh my thanks for taking care of her

Gemma. Your welcome

Harry. Ya thanks gem

They head back home

Harry. Well I gave fay a bottle for you sense your still a little  drunk

Eve. Thanks

Harry. I also got her to sleep

Eve. Yep

Harry. What's wrong

Eve. Nothing

Harry. Its something

Eve. I have no idea what  happened after I got drunk, and I forgot are child 

Harry. It was a mistake soon it  will be easier  look at bell and zayn they still get free time and wach there kids

Eve. Well have they ever forgotten there child

Harry. No but your fine

Eve. I just feel like a bad parent

Harry. Dont feel that way everyone fucks up but they fix  it and try again

Eve. I guess your right

Harry. Well let's go

Eve. Go where

Harry. Sit on the porch

Eve. K

They go to the porch but leave the door open a little  bit so they can hear fay if she crys

Harry. Isn't this nice you me the trees

Eve. Ya I guess

Harry.  And the boys

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