chapter 24( over)

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Bell walks into the store

Bell. What is going on here

Zayn. It's not what it looks like

Bell. It looks like your purposeing to my sister who has a boyfriend

Eve. Bell he is not purposeing to me

Harry walks out  of the back  room

Harry. Whao bell

Bell. Hey let me guess you didn't know your girlfriend was cheating on you with zayn

Harry. What no  shes not

Eve. Bell I would never

Bell. Oh please

Zayn. Bell look I was trying to find a ring for you

Bell. Oh ya sure

Zayn. I was

Bell walks out

Zayn.  We need to go after her

They go after bell who is at Louis

They walk in

Zayn. Bell

Bell. Stay away from me

Louis. Whao what is going on here

Bell. Zayn is cheating on me with my twin

Louis. What

Zayn. Louis that's not true

Eve. You really think if me and zayn were dating harry would still be here standing right next to me would he

Louis. Well  not really

Eve. Exactly

Bell. Look zayn till you stop hiding stuff from me and tell me the truth about you and eve then were done

Zayn. What

Bell . You heard me

Zayn. And you heard me I dont like eve, shes dating harry

Bell. So

Zayn. And why would I date my best mates girlfriend

Bell. Because you just would

Zayn. You know I cant do this I'm  done good bye bell

Zayn stomes out

Eve. Are you kidding me you have been dating for almost 4 months now and you really think he would cheat on you with me, come on you know what here take this it's a video of zayn doing a video diary of getting the ring then planning your wedding, but I guess you wont believe it anyways but even if you did I doubt he will forgive you after  this, harry let's go

Eve and harry leave

Bell sits on the couch for a few minutes then watches the recording

Bell. Shit I guess they weren't lieing

Louis. I mean I believed them look I know your sister would never do that to you and zayn wouldn't ether. If they were you know harry would have been freaking out at eve,

Bell. Louis I need to fixs this

Louis. I will try to help

With zayn

Zayn. I cant believe she did that you know what I hope she can handle taking care of a kid by herself

Harry. Whao dude just because your mad you shouldn't say that you need to be there for him or her even if bell hates you or you hate her dont try not to be there for your kid

Zayn. What do you know about that your not a dad, and at least mine didn't die

Eve and harry look at zayn

Harry. Eve don't

Eve. You dick

Eve storms out and goes back to Harry's

Harry. Thanks zayn now I need to handle this all over again

Zayn. Wait harry sorry

Harry. Dont, you said what you said and you cant take it back

Harry leaves and goes after eve

Zayn. Great I just pissed  off   two more friends

At Louis

Bell. Louis I'm leaveing

Louis. Why

Bell. To talk to zayn

Louis. You should do that I will drive you there. I need to go to Harry's anyways

Bell. Why

Louis. Harry call eve is upset about something zayn said but you didn't hear this from me

Bell. What  did he say

Louis  puts is arms up and puts them in a cradle motion

Bell. Oh what a jerk but I wont say anything to zayn about it unless I have to

Louis. Good Idea

They leave

At zayns

Bell knock on the door

Zayn. Bell

Unsure about love ( Harry Styles and 1D love story)Where stories live. Discover now